Wellber no Monogatari ~ Sisters of Wellber – 26

Ah, that’s what I like to see: an excellent climax. The fight against Greedam is well wrapped up, with all the deaths that happened in the previous episode. Obviously, spoilers will follow after this paragraph. Let me just say before I start that the climax was awesome, though I’m afraid that the ending itself left things to be desired.

But first, Loden’s final moments were awesome. He basically sacrificed his own life to save Tina. After all, he was prepared to die anyway, to make up for the things he did all those years ago. What better way to go than to sacrifice yourself for the one whose life you ruined? The king of Wellber and the king of Greedam also settled their fight in a pretty interesting way, with Rita coming as a surprise saviour who actually makes sense. I was also shocked to find out that Tina nearly drowned on her way out of the ship, though thankfully she turned out to be just unconscious.

Well then, at this point, I was really happy with how things worked out. If the series ended like this, I would have been perfectly fine with it. Unfortunately, the aftermath left a lot to be desired. It’s jumbled mess of ideas that just came way too late in way too little time. Okay, I can understand that Tina would leave Rita. But apparently, the creators wanted to get the two of them back together a little too badly. It’s a shame that such a great series had to end un such a low note.

4 thoughts on “Wellber no Monogatari ~ Sisters of Wellber – 26

  1. I have been stalking toshokan the whole day,and i downloaded it the minute i saw the torrent.

    Yes,i agree that the aftermath seem a bit…bleh.Is it just me or Rita seem to care more about Tina than Galahad?

  2. Well, I personally think Rita’s and Tina’s relationship is more significant than the one with Galahad’s. I mean, they’ve been together all this time. And, a lover isn’t necessarily more important than a friend.

    Loved this episode, btw

  3. So Galahad is really dead ?
    (I am sorry, it’s very important to me who like happy ending – happy love stories !)

  4. Yup, Galahad is dead, though the creators did squeeze in a happy ending with Tina and Rita, though it was a tad too forced in my opinion.

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