Wellber no Monogatari ~ Sisters of Wellber – 15

Wow, I must say that the new ED is a major improvement on the previous one. It’s a very nice idea, and definitely among the best EDs of the season. In any case, I’m very happy to see that the creators have increased the pacing another gear. The first half of the first series had a few random fillers amongst it, but it’s only the second episode of the second season, and we’re already into some major background info on Tina, when she reaches her birthplace. This shows a lot of potential for the future episodes, and the episode itself was quite good as well.

The place basically lies in ruins after the rampage, ten years ago, with no attempts to rebuild it. The only purpose of it now is for ex-soldier to rob unexpected by-passers. This episode also showed that these three killers weren’t alone and basically brought along an entire army, which explains how they were able to cause such a huge disaster ad get away with it.

A lot of time was also spent on fleshing out the relationships between the characters, especially Tina and Jin, Jin and Galahad and Galahad and Rita. I sense a new couple forming at the latter. ^^;

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