Wellber no Monogatari ~ Sisters of Wellber – 11

And Wellber no Monogatari is coming towards its end, with only two episodes left after this. You’d suspect a “calm before the storm”-episode, but instead it decides to develop its side-characters a bit more. This definitely was a Galahad/Jamill-episode and a great one as well! Finally we get a bit more development between the two, and we finally learn how the two got together. Basically, Jamill was an excellent soldier, while Galahad was close to Guernia, and they often got put in the same missions, in which the combination of the both of them excelled like no other. After a while, they began to feel for each other. It’s nothing special, but it’s so much better than no explanation at all. This probably was the episode with the slowest pacing of the series. Especially the later half is really focused, and with a good reason: Jamill dies! First she gets stabbed in the eye by Guernia, after he tells her how he killed his mother, who “cheated” on him. She then goes to search for Galahad, who ended up in a peaceful farming cottage. When she finds him, it seems that she’s still on Guernia’s side, as she tries to make him go back. When he refuses, she challenges him to a “shooting duel”. Galahad shoots anyway, since he’s seen her skills, and he’s in now way as fast as she is. Jamill, though, refused to shoot, and so she gets hit by Galahad. Great moment. 🙂 Now then, I do wonder wonder what this anime has in store for us for the final two episodes. So far, the best thing of this series has been the change to an actual serious storyline, but something tells me that the creators planned to save the best for last. So far, we’ve got three elements of the storyline left unsolved: the war, Guernia vs. Galahad and the murderer of Tina’s parents.]]>

0 thoughts on “Wellber no Monogatari ~ Sisters of Wellber – 11

  1. Aaww, poor Galahad. (And poor Jamill, she’s the one who dies, after all. :D;; ) And wow, Prince Glasses has a serious mother complex…

  2. OkAY! some development. I re-ally dont like the fact that Jamill knew and dint do anything about the murders being a woman herself! Funnily, Galahad has more integrity than her, though it was women who were the victims. Which is why, my heart does not go out to Jamill. But I guess, now Galahad REALLY has a reason to get back at the prince.

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