Tsumiki no Ie Review – 85/100

Hell yeah, 700th review! For this one I again wanted to do something special, so why not look at something that actually won an Oscar?

How much can you do in only 12 minutes? Tsumiki no Ie shows that even within such a short time-frame, you can tell a great story. Tsumiki no Ie is very imaginative, it’s very artistic and is really a must-watch for everyone looking for a bit of time to spend.

Within twelve minutes, the creators make optimal use of their time in order to show what kind of an old guy the central character is, and yet it never feels rushed: the pacing remains slow and natural, and the acting is incredibly subtle, yet full of life. I refuse to spoil what it’s exactly going to be about, but let me just say that the entire idea behind the setting of this very short movie is a unique one.

This is a very short review, because I believe that this is one of those movies of which you don’t need to say much, and trying to analyze it just takes away some of its meaning. Suffice to say that it’s wonderfully executed, blending video, audio and storytelling all into one to create a great experience.

Storytelling: 8/10 – Very natural pacing. Very detailed.
Characters: 9/10 – Great characterization for only 12 minutes.
Production-Values: 9/10 – Excellent and dynamic animation; soothing soundtrack.
Setting: 8/10 – Simple, but unique and original.

Genius Party – Hapy Machine
Kino no Tabi

14 thoughts on “Tsumiki no Ie Review – 85/100

  1. I´ve watched not so long ago…very interesting choice for your 700th review…
    Its quite similar to the first five minutes of the film Up…

  2. This one was more moving in 12 minutes than most anime can muster in 12 episodes. Full stop.

    I honestly wish modern anime and cartoons would shut their characters up for a while and stop with the over-exposition.

  3. I think the only difference with the Japanese version is it’s narrated. Though I haven’t seen that version, I think it probably just works better without any dialogue whatsoever cause the visuals are moving enough.

  4. i recommend you to search and watch another short animated movie called “father and daughter” it has the same feeling when watching! these types of short movies are gems in my opinion. I cherish how lucky i am to be exposed to such emotions!

  5. Parabéns! Congratulations for your 700th review! Always turn to your blog to check different anime series. Love Tatami Galaxy!

    And Tsumiki no Ie is really great! A beautiful way to talk about memory and lost. I saw only the version with no narration, works good in this way. No need to telling things.

    A big hug from Brazil! Abraços!

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