Imageshack, what the hell are you doing?

By far my least favourite part of keeping up this blog is the headache that is image management. I had at last found a good, stable and easy source to host all of the images I use, but now they suddenly changed their policy, causing them to block their images for some unregistered users.

If I understood things correctly, they stopped serving images that are uploaded on registered servers and viewed by unregistered visitors. Now, I’ve just registered this website at some form that I found on the Imageshack Website, but I have no idea when it’ll be reviewed (yes, apparently all registered members need to have their websites reviewed).

Personally I don’t have this problem and I’m able to see all the images just fine, so let me know if you see any changes.

17 thoughts on “Imageshack, what the hell are you doing?

  1. I just went to the imageshack website, but I couldn’t find anything regarding that case…
    I am able to see the images, though I have an registered account at imageshack (however, I wasn’t logged in before but was still abe to see them).

  2. It’s kind of funny how its inconsistent. Most of the images show up, but sometimes one or two in a given post won’t (bottom row of the 700th review you made is missing one). You’d figure it’d be all or nothing.

  3. I couldn’t see any images at all until after logging into my Imageshack account, so there’s definitely some sort of cookie issue or something of that nature involved.

  4. Everything is broken here. From another site I visit, I get the message “Your country can’t view this image without logging into Imageshack.”. Time to change sites?

  5. Yeah, images are back, and I certainly don’t have an imageshack account. Then again, I’m in the US, so probably fewer restrictions.

  6. I’m from SEA and I can view the images now (I think it’s after you had registered your site). Then again, I do have an imageshack account too.

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