Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? – 07

Yes guys. If you gripe and kiss a girl you only met five minutes before, you will totally get away with it and she’ll even fall in love with you. I mean, I know that this episode provided a reason for it but it nevertheless was a really flimsy one that has been used to death by now.

Zombie’s episodes are either great, or boring cliche-fests. This was a clear example of the latter. This episode had some decent chemistry, which prevented it from being a complete disaster, but still the largest part was pretty boring. I mean, in the previous episode I didn’t complain about the fanservice because of the way it was used. This time it was just tasteless, especially when the X-Ray glasses popped up.

Still, this episode did have some good points, like being able to kill Megalos with noodle soup, or the various things that were written on the Tanabata-notes. The math explanations and weird theories about some demonic Santa Claus showing up at Tanabata also were pretty fun. Those were all mere details, though.
Rating: – (Disappointing)

9 thoughts on “Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? – 07

  1. Disappointing there was no Kyoko this episode. Best character of the show. Once you go Yandere, you don’t come back….because you’re dead.

  2. I nearly fell off my chair of laughter when Ayumu put on the glasses.
    I totally didn’t expect the nude filter effect.

    On the other hand, the tantacle rape scene was annoying.

  3. It’s a filler episode. -_-

    One and a half fillers in such a short series, with the previous episode a really half-baked attempt to animate one of the good parts of the manga, plus starting an anime original line (super evil dude knows hellscyer’s past) and this series is officially doomed to fail.

    Just drop this one and pick another one, it won’t get any better.

  4. As much as i liked last week’s episode, this one was just meh. Marriage plot is retarded and the dialogue just wasn’t as clever as before.

  5. I loved this episode. This kind of crazy humor is what I came to watch to show for. Criticizing it for the very reason this show is so unique and entertaining sounds completely wrong.

    Let’s just say we disagree here. Except the marriage part but it was handled well enough with his classmate for it to become randomly funny.

  6. Revisionist santa was the absolute hilight of the episode for sure. And I agree with all the comments that the series has been really hit or miss. When the comedy aspect works, it works better than most of the type I see, but when it fails, it fails hard core. I just wish the series would be a lot more consistent with the successes.

  7. The only good parts of this episode was that girl that appeared at the end to give the glasses…and the Demon Santa.

    That aside, the episode was kinda bad >_>

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