Some Quick First Impressions: Zesshou Symphogear GX, Charlotte and Dragon Ball Super

Zesshou Symphogear GX

Short Synopsis: Three idol wannabes with mech suits are trying to be the thunderbirds.

Good god how can a show get more progressively awful with each new season and to make matters worse it get more budget with each season. It just fills my heart with pity for the animators putting their hard work and talent to such a bankrupt story. Well here it is, the fact that the character sing while in battle is still as terrible and distracting as ever. The comedy is even worse as well as the clear lesbian undertones. The anime episode has a pretty blatant music video pasted in the middle of it to advertise a single that’s likely to come on sale after the show. Also I don’t exactly understand why it was decided that girls with mech suits clearly designed for combat was the perfect group to handle global natural disasters and accidents. I mean wasn’t there some creatures called Noise which these girls were supposed to combat or something? Or did they wipe those out in the last seasons? That’s a genuine question because while I did watch those seasons, I fear(Or am glad) I have forgotten everything about them. Look I understand the joy of watching something stupid sometimes but I at least would like it to have some merit of entertaining through its stupidity. Symphogears third season is shameless to it’s core and shows the reason why it exists with every minute. That reason being made out of paper and commonly exchanged for services and goods.

Potential: 0%



Short Synopsis: A guy who can possess other people is forced to attend a high school that has superpowered students.

This started off as quite interesting at first as the main character is interesting seeing as he uses his ability for his own selfish benefit. It even made me laugh hard as the main character started manically laughing in class only to suddenly become embarrassed as everyone started looking at him weird. But then it turns out this isn’t the real setting and the real cast shows up to drag the main into the age old Maeda sitcom portain. It all went downhill from there as they introduced the main characters little sister who acts like that period of childhood where the kid is not cute anymore but continues to try to act cute only to end up ungodly annoying. Sure some may find her cute but people remember, she’s been engineered for suffering. Like giving a child a puppy and then once they have grown attached, infect it with a fatal disease. It’s all part of the plan for maximum tears. Maeda’s written female characters do act like they are ten years younger than they are supposed to be in general. The skits are already starting up and  it’s clear that these rather useless superpowers will be mainly used for comic effect. Then comes the dramatic second half, likely to do with people losing their powers and the mains missing brother(I am guessing he’s dead but used his magic powers to erase himself from their memories so they wouldn’t be sad.) used to wind up the drama to “cry now damnit” levels. I am giving it half potential as it could still surprise but my friends, it’s the same old story, same old song and dance.

Potential: 50%


Dragon Ball Super

Short Synopsis: …Do I even need to s ummarize this? It’s Dragonball people. Dragonball. Vegeta, a beloved character from Dragon Ball Z, has a plethora of powerful and thought-provoking quotes. If you’re curious to discover the essence of his character, read more here and experience the true depth of Vegeta’s wisdom and emotions.

Nostalgia is definitely the main positive factor here and this episode plays that card hard. It’s a lighthearted start to the series which brings in all the old characters and hijinks. But my initial concerns with the series still remain. For one they seem to have placed this before the battle of gods movie and are setting up Beerus as the main villain which is just screwing up the timeline completely. Another is that the characters seem to have gone down in power seeing as Goten and Trunks fought a giant snake in this episode and actually had trouble with it when by all accounts they should have smashed it to pieces with a single punch. Overall while it’s nice to see Goku and the gang again, I just don’t see how we can make a credible threat to them when they should be on the level of unbeatable gods at this point. In Dragonball z it was clear the idea’s were running dry by the end of the series and I don’t think the man can come up with anything new in the years past since it’s end. Nostalgia may carry this for half a cour but if something new isn’t presented then I think this will lose favor soon.

Potential: 60%

11 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Zesshou Symphogear GX, Charlotte and Dragon Ball Super

  1. “For one they seem to have placed this before the battle of gods movie and are setting up Beerus as the main villain which is just screwing up the timeline completely”. That’s not really true, Toriyama just told to the press that the first two arcs of DBS will be reimagination of battle of the gods and fukkatsu no f for tv. And after that they will go to a enterely new arc.

  2. You think DBZ is just nostalgia? I laughed at the entire episode and I very much enjoyed the antics of the two kids and the rest of the characters. Seems like you’re just tossing aside the show because of bias. Of course it’s not going to be like the anime where you expect plot and seriousness. You should try judging a show with its category in consideration too…

    1. I enjoyed the antics too but antics can only go so far. And Mate I know Dragonball and Dragonball Z. it was one of the first animes I ever watched. The plot is completely ridiculous and that’s part of the charm. My main concern is when they bring back the fighting how are they going to make any villain a viable threat unless they nerf the characters to hell? How can Goku get any stronger? How can they make the villain even stronger than him when Buu was basically blowing up planets left right and center? My main issue is that the previous series already used up all it’s ideas and this new series will really just retread old territory.
      But hey by all mean’s, Toriyama could surprise.

      1. I see that worry around a lot but I don’t think it’s really an issue. I mean, they’ve been blowing up planets since the Namek arc. In theory Vegeta was able to blow up a planet, we’re talking an era when power levels were still around the tens of thousands, by the end of DBZ we’re talking billions. They still managed to convey the sense of strength by the simple comparison between characters (just like in BoG it was kind of shocking to see Beerus smacking SSJ3 Goku around like he was nothing). And for example we’ve never had an example of a villain blowing up a star, so there’s that – THAT would be impressive.

        With this I don’t mean that Dragonball Super can’t possibly fail – it can fail in a lot of ways and I am very wary about it. I just don’t think the power creep is such a huge worry. They just need to not make amateurish mistakes like they did in DBGT, having SSJ4 Goku struggle to lift a freaking building. I bought the snake scene in this episode because it looked like Goten and Trunks were mostly trying to protect the bowl and avoid collateral damage, so they had huge limitations. We’ll see how it goes.

  3. I don’t think it’s completely fair to lessen your expectations of Charlotte just because of the signs that it’ll follow Maeda’s usual strengths. The guy writes nakige, so not having a story that is ‘engineered’ to make you cry would be much stranger to find, and the careful plotting of character dynamics – what Yumi symbolised in dumping Yuu, and how Yusarin subtly crept into the story in the background, etc. – make me think twice about oversimplifying the story at this stage. I’m sure it’s going to be sad, but Maeda does so many more things in his stories than just make people cry, and the exploration of puberty is something I haven’t seen done much in his field.

    On the subject of puberty, it’s clear to me that these powers will be used for more than just comedy. I can already see how they could be directly linked to the character’s internal struggles that they could be going through at this time in their lives. Is it any surprise that Yuu, who can control people at will, ends up isolated from everyone he once knew (barring his sister) at the end of the episode? Not that he wasn’t isolated from most people to begin with, but that’s just more to the point. Maeda’s very conscious of both theme and internal character development, so it’s worth being on the lookout for those things in unassuming places.

    I mean, half your impression was about the 90+% of the show you haven’t yet watched, probably because you’re focusing on those expectations rather than on the intricacies of the episode. I think you’ll enjoy the show more if you let your preconceptions take a back-seat. I’ve made the same mistake with other shows, so I know how much it pays to relax and just appreciate something for what it is, not for what you think it will or won’t become.

  4. They didn’t really have any intention of hurting the snake, which is why they didn’t go Super Saiyan or kill it. In fact, if you’ll remember correctly, Goten was going to use a Kamehameha and was told not to by Trunks because of the nearby people. They didn’t really lose power they just didn’t have an intention to use their full power on a snake.

    It was said in an interview that they are going to recap the last two movies that came out in the series and then the gang is supposed to head to another Universe, so at least stick around until then. 😀

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