Some quick first impressions: Macademi Wasshoi, Skip Beat and Vampire Knight Guilty

Macademi Wasshoi

Short Synopsis: Our lead character gets loved by two cute girls.
Highlights: As if this season hadn’t already enough annoying and overly cute girls…
Overall Enjoyment Value: 6/10
Really, I was sure that Kemeko Deluxe would have won the title for most unrealistic series of the season, but this series sure proved me wrong on that one. There are a LOT of annoying things about this series: overly cute girls fall for him for shallow or no reasons, the OP and ED are… terrible to say the least, the lead character does nothing to move away from the stereotypes, and of course, School in this series doesn’t mean studying, but instead destroying things. Still, I have to give this series some slack. Sure, it’s badly written, but at the same time, the creators also made an effort to be original. Macademy Wasshoi doesn’t exactly feel like your standard harem, simply because of the huge amounts of ideas (good and bad) that the creators tried to stuff into this episode. That does have potential.

Skip Beat

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is the girlfriend of a famous idol.
Highlights: Excellent script-writers
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10
So, from the few things I’ve heard about this series, it was the most anticipated shoujo-series of this Autumn-Season. After Vampire Knight, though, I obviously didn’t believe in that hype, since that series pretty much destroyed my faith in shoujo-series. However, I now see that Skip Beat had all the reasons to be anticipated. In terms of writing, this had the best first episode of the season. It’s only been the first episode of the series, and the lead character already has multiple facets of her past explained, she has developed significantly, she is fleshed out, I’m pretty amazed at the stuff that the creators managed to put in just one episode. No scene feels wasted, and this episode definitely left an impression on me. What I also love about this series is the character-designs: at first sight, you wouldn’t suspect that they’re from 2008, and they’ve got this old look. Very nice effect.

Vampire Knight Guilty

Short Synopsis: Our lead character tries to find out what happened at the end of the previous season.
Highlights: Much of the same: angst and bishies.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 6,5/10
Speaking of the devil, I don’t think I’m going to continue Vampire Knight’s second season. Thirteen episodes were fine and all, but I don’t feel like sitting through the same yet again, especially after Skip Beat just surpassed it in every single aspect in just one episode and Nodame Cantabile’s second season is also about to start. One look at Zero reminded me of why I had so many problems with watching this in the first place. If, for some strange reason, the second season does turn out to be awesome I might marathon it later, but for now I just don’t feel like wasting my time on more angst and bishies. Although I do have to admit: that new ED rocks!

13 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Macademi Wasshoi, Skip Beat and Vampire Knight Guilty

  1. They pretty much botched Vampire Knight in the first season, and I don’t have much hope for this, but the really awesome parts of the story from the manga are probably gonna end up being around episode 10-13 of this season.

    Skip Beat is a whole different ball game, more comedy than anything really. Although I’d rather see Tokyo Crazy Paradise animated (same author), Skip Beat isn’t too bad either.

  2. I’m glad you like Skip Beat, the manga is one of my favorites, I’m happy the anime doesn’t mess up ^^

  3. One thing about Skip Beat – Kyoko isn’t Sho’s Girlfirend. She was more something like his personal slave…well, in his opinion, anyway.
    Her goal for the rest of the series is mostly getting back at him, though this does change somewhat as her character develops. She really is both awesome and hilarious.

  4. ahhahh vampire knight,skip it is not only more of the same is multliply 3 times, the manga is horrendous full of plot holes deux ex machinas,character regresion and secondary character unredevelopment, skip beat on the other hand is all about character, personal and professional grow with a dash of comedy hopefully you may enjoy it ;).

  5. I will agree about how Skip beat is much better than Vampire Knight. At least the main characters show some motives and make the readers want to know the result of what they are doing. And I ABSOLUTELY agree with you that just looking at Zero makes me wanna pass season 2 of vampire Knight right away. Although the manga still has a very beautiful art but the story just doesn’t help it anymore.

  6. I love the opening (both animation and song) but I like the animation to ending, not the song.

    Even though I know the story (because I read the manga), I look so forward to how the anime turns out!! (*spoiler alert* they even showed Vampire Yuuki!!)

  7. I’m not really really happy with the character designs of Skip Beat, but that’s just the manga elitist in my speaking. I can see how they did their best to bring the manga to life, and their efforts certainly paid off because I’m soo loving this anime!

    Glad to see that you liked it, rest assured that you won’t be disappointed! 😛

  8. The Ed isn’t as good as in the first season , the previous opening was better too, they better fit the mood of that anime but I can’t say much about this ep , it’s as good as the other ones but comes as an introduction so it doesn’t tell much about what’s going to happen,we’ll see.

  9. Wow~ :’3
    I’m quite glad Skip Beat! got a higher score than Vampire Knight..
    for one, Vampire Knight can’t even be compared to Skip Beat!. :’/
    I dunno why people keep comparing them..there’s nothing to compare anyway. :’|
    I’m glad you’re not disappointed with the first episode. x’3
    Well, expect more to come when the next episodes come! =’p
    There are moar and moar interesting scenes to come!

    I myself isn’t very happy about the character designs..but the smooth animation, music, voice acting, humour and story telling makes up for that. x’D Ahaha~

  10. why is macademi wasshoi so censured, in the trailers its normal but in the series it appears like a doll instead of the drawing??

  11. Failure. If you had even seen 2-3 other anime involving a harem, you would have seen a mile off that macademi wasshoi is a parody anime. as in, not to be taken seriously, it’s so shallow and all the characters are stereotypes because it’s making fun of other harem anime. That in mind, it is a very well written anime, and is one of the most hilarious things i’ve ever seen.

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