Some quick first Impressions: La Corda d’Oro ~Secondo Passo~, Chi’s New Address and Marie & Gali

La Corda d’Oro ~Secondo Passo~

Short Synopsis: Our lead character seems to have abandoned her magical violin.
Chance of me Blogging: 0% (It just feels too much like an inferior shoujo Nodame Cantabile)
I remember how the first season was pretty much an insult to classical music, in which a ditz without any musical background acquires a magical violin and cheats herself into a competition among the top students of the school she’s in. Thankfully, the second season seems to have improved a lot on it, and the lead characters seems to have realized that it’s much more fun to be playing by herself. There’s quite a bit of potential in her growth. She now seems to be incredibly talented because she can play with lots of emotions in her violin, but I guess that that’s much better than the magical violin. I’m still not sold on the ridiculously looking bishies, though. Especially that blonde guy was horrible. He reminds me of Fuwa Shou from Skip Beat! In fact, I could swear that the two of them share the same voice actor, and I can’t believe that he’s being forced to play his character straight this time. Talk about overacting here…

Chi’s New Address

Short Synopsis: Our lead character wants to go outside.
Chance of me Blogging: 0% (It’s a fun show and all, but I’d go crazy trying to blog it)
Awesome to see this series back. Chi is just as fun to watch as ever, and I’m surprised that the creators are actually continuing with the whole plotline of trying to find a new home for Chi. This is going to mean that dad, mom and Youhei are going to make way for a new family, and I wonder whether this new family has the charms of the original. Ah well, at least Chi will be the same. ^^;

Marie & Gali

Short Synopsis: Our lead character finds herself into some weird Italian-ish island.
Chance of me Blogging: 10% (Italy suddenly became a popular country to make fun of, hasn’t it?)
So… yeah. If you’re wondering what the “Gali”-part of the title means: it’s short for Galileo Galilei. What we have here is a bizarre fantasy setting in which a teenaged girl meets a very weird version of Galileo inside the tower of Pisa. I’m really not sure who thought of it, but for some reason it was kind of charming. It makes excellent use of its time of only 5 minutes to be either slapstick, make random historical references and be cute, and the combination works surprisingly well. It’s obviously never going to be amazing, but I have to admit that it was pretty amusing. Not to mention that Marie’s character-designs look very stylish.

7 thoughts on “Some quick first Impressions: La Corda d’Oro ~Secondo Passo~, Chi’s New Address and Marie & Gali

  1. La Corda d’Oro ~Secondo Passo~
    This show already has a number of main guys (and so few girls), and they had to add another three. One has already fallen for her!

    I am glad that they dropped the magical violin. I couldn’t tolerate her doing well because of ‘magic’

  2. This is going to mean that dad, mom and Youhei are going to make way for a new family

    Well it doesn’t necessarily mean this 🙂

    Btw any ideas how many episodes this season is?

  3. Marie & Gali
    Just keep this in mind, it is a popular science anime, at least, it is what it supposed to be… That’s why Galilei dropt two balls outside the leaning tower of pisa and Madame Curie at the end. And you have to addmitm the character design kind of resembles the actual person.

  4. sorry, a little misspelling there. please excuse my english, i am chinese. but you know what i mean…

    anyway, i’m glad you like this show. it got some top-class staff and most of them worked together really well in the doremi series. i’d like to see what’s happening next.

  5. I can’t help but laughing at how you insult? Kaji-kun, that’s really funny. Well, he DID have the same seiyuu as Fuwa Sho,it’s Miyano Mamoru.I think Kaji’s fans from the La corda game will be shocked to see your comments about him haha. Since I don’t like Kaji’s personality much also so I don’t mind but Miyano-san is great in other sadistic roles like in El cazador so I think his overacting has some good points in other way XD.

  6. La Corda d’Oro’s first season wasn’t anything really all that great but it did have a good amount of growth to the characters. The bishies may be large in number but the anime isn’t really that much of a harem, there’s just a lot of bishies.

    The magical violin I think was done pretty well in that it fails on the lead character and so she goes through intense training to find her own sound.

    The relationships were charming and the characters actually felt close, the only character which was HORRIBLE was the soccer star guy, just because his voice actor was insanely aggravating.

    The opening song is beautiful and the ending song continues to be awful.

  7. The first season of La Corda d’Oro was terribly disappointing. ALL of the guys fall in love with her?! And she can’t even decide herself?! I spent most of the series waiting for a decision, until I realized I should stop wishing. It taught me not to watch an anime based on a dating game ever again.

    I also wish it had less angst, Kahoko’s depression was very tedious.

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