Some quick first impressions: Happiness, Kanon and Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!

Another batch. More harems. Woo. Exiting. I think I’ve done most of the harems so far. I´m eagerly awaiting the subs for the good shows now. But then again, the harems may be almost over, there´s still a bunch of shounen-action series…

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Okay, I admit. This one isn’t as bad as the other horrible shows we’ve seen so far. It’s got cute character designs for once. The graphics also are pretty and in good quality. It’s also a mahou shoujo, always nice. The characters actually have a history, and secrets. The main male character also seems to have a reason for refusing to be healed by magic. Good, good. I also liked his cross-dressing friend. If I understood things correctly, this friend likes to act and dress up as a girl. Nice touch. However. This doesn’t mean that it escaped the oh so horrid clichés of the bishoujo harems. For starters, our main female character is in love with our main male character, simply because he did something nice to her when they were children. It’s like the creators saw the beginning of Revolutionary Girl Utena, and saw a good excuse, without even bothering to check the ending. This anime is also rather ruined by the useless fanservice, our main character has the usual horny classmate with which he’s friends with, apart from that, he’s surrounded by girls, girls and only girls (yes, even the cross-dresser acted too much like a girl. There was almost no way to recognize that he actually wasn’t a girl). Oh, and did I already mention the amount of valentine chocolate he received?

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This harem isn’t that bad either. It cleverly stays away from some of the clichés which often plague similar harems. The characters are a bit more than just stereotypes, there isn’t much focus on fanservice and our main character isn’t surrounded by girls who love him. It feels a bit more natural now. Also the graphics are pretty. It seems that people were willing to spend a big budget for this. Still, that doesn’t mean that this anime doesn’t have any flaws. Where it does things good at some points, it messes up at other points. While the graphics may look good, the character designs are ugly. All females have incredibly emphasized eyes. It’s supposed to look cute, but it turned out fake. Our main male character also is another one of those ctrl+c-ctr+v characters. Okay, girls don’t love him for an unknown reason, but because of that, he turned into a huge player. That’s also not the best type of character you can think off. (Also, aren’t the girls bothered by the cold, while walking in the snow without any pants?)

Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!
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Both Happiness and Kanon showed that you can have harem-series with a few good qualities. Because of them, I actually began to think that some harem series might not be that bad. Unfortunately, after having seen this horrible piece of garbage, I totally take back what I said. Seriously, watching this anime made me almost lose faith in humanity. Even for a harem-show, this series is pain. Do not go near it! *twitch*

0 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Happiness, Kanon and Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!

  1. That guy in Happiness! got 2 chocolate right? 1 from haruhi and 1 from anri just because she wanted to compete with haruhi.

    Can mamoru-kun even be considered a harem anime? Since there’s only one female love interest, shouldn’t it be classified as romance comedy instead?

  2. I think the whole point of that crossdresser is to be totally like a girl and relieve only later on to those unlucky otaku who use anime also for other purposes than watching it…

  3. It doesn’t look like both guys wanted the chocolate from Jun, since he’s a guy. and when his male friend keeps pestering him about getting chocolate from his sister, he keeps denying it, so I was under the impression that he didn’t take it.

    I fail to see the parts where he is surrounded by pretty girls. There’s the parts where the journalist girl keeps on pestering him and her. And there’s some girls that are part of the student council, but the reason they show up is just to bother them too. Guess it depends on how people classify things.

  4. True, yeah. I used the term because I like to use one term for similar anime. Technically, it’s indeed not a harem, but when I compared it to other, real harems, there wasn’t that much difference.

  5. But all of these series are good. They’re some of the only one’s I can imagine watching all of so far this season. Including Sumomomo Momomo, Asatte no Houkou, Yoake, and Death Note.

    Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo was… nice. I liked the main female a lot…

    And as a female, it’s not strange at all to be in the snow without pants! But I prefer skirts in general..

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