Some quick first impressions: Ginga Tesudo Monogatari, Marginal Prince and Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club Season 2

Woo! An actually good batch. While Ginga Tesudo Monogatari might’ve turned out mediocre, Marginal Prince and Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club actually turned out to be a big surprise. These anime really show that this series can contain something other than garbage. And yes. I have a strange taste, and I’m proud of it. ^^

Ginga Tesudo Monogatari ~Eien he no Bunkiten~
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Interesting concept. Instead of space-ships, this anime has trains which travel through space, with earth as the main base. This seems to be the continuation of a previous season (I didn’t get the chance to see it, by the way). It seems that at the end of that season, the main character lost his father and decided to live with his mother again. This episode, he realizes that he is needed after all when he’s the only one who can do something about a high-speed train which went out of control, is heading towards earth, and plans to crash there, along with its passengers. For some reason, the main character manages to hijack a small train and reaches the berserked train with just the right timing. Strangely enough, he was the only one who got this idea. He then detaches the engine from the rest of the train, so the passengers are saved. But for some reason, he’s stupid enough to remain on the engine-part, instead of just letting it crash on earth. I’m also feeling that this show loses itself too often in useless techno-babble. Most science-fiction shows like these seem to be troubled by it. I think this is just extra material for fans of the original series. I wouldn’t recommend it to people who haven’t seen it.

Marginal Prince
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First of all, before I start, I have to remind you that this is a bishounen-series, done by Gonzo, of all possible studios. Finally, they managed to make an anime without any big-breasted fanservice-indusing female characters. They finally begin to learn. Anyway, about the anime. I quite liked all of the cheesy scenes which flowed across the screen. Things also turned quite serious at the end of the episode, and quite enjoyable as well. Okay, the anime doesn’t make any sense at all, but a boy who gets admitted to a super-rich school with only six people in it sounds so much better than a boy who gets surrounded by a bunch of beautiful girls. I’ll keep watching this. I might even blog it if the second episode turns out to be good.

Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club Season 2
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Seriously, why hasn’t this series gotten subbed yet? As far as I know, it’s the ONLY spring series which didn’t come without even one sub, and that’s such a darn shame. It may be my love for mahou shoujo-series, but I actually really enjoyed this first episode of the second season. If things continue to be just as good, I’m probably going to end up blogging this show. The show is about a school for mahou shoujo (finally the girls actually get to study, instead of getting instant-superpowers. I like that), and follows five girls, along with one of their teachers. It’s a shoujo-series, and things are mostly light-hearted. But the events are just presented in such an adorable way. It can be funny was well. I especially loved the lesbian-kissing-scene at the end. ^_^ Someone, sub this. Seriously.

0 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Ginga Tesudo Monogatari, Marginal Prince and Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club Season 2

  1. The mahou shoujo are getting ignored again. Such a pity. Instead, the fansubbers should try to ignore the bishoujo harems, and focus at the more important series. That would solve the problem. ^^

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