Shining Tearx X Wind Review – 34/100

Let me get straight to the point for this review: Shining Tears X Wind, is utter crap, and I can’t believe the creators were really serious about it. It really gives a bad reputation, The first episode starts off decently enough, but after that, everything falls apart with some garbage-level script-writing. The characters are seriously horrible. Basically, we have a bunch of guys, accompanied by their personal harems, who get transported to another world, and save it. Why? No idea. The males are all fourteen ear-old brats and a bunch of Gary Stu’s, who are awesome for no possible reason, and the females have no roles whatsoever. Heck, if you’d replace them with potatoes, the only difference you would notice in the final product is a lack of fanservice (because yes, that’s all they’re good for: skimpy outfits and orgasms when their “soul blades” are drawn from their hearts). The plot isn’t much better off. It tries being dramatic with lots of shocking plot twists, but the entire concept of “proper development” seems lost on the writers, and the episodes also get cheesier and cheesier as the anime progresses. The graphics and music are the only two parts that actually come a bit close to decent. Still, it can be fun watching this when you’re with a couple of sarcastic friends. Especially episode 12 is the epitome of stupidity and cheesiness, which can become hilarious when you’re watching it with the right person. If you’re planning to watch this one alone, though: don’t. When I watched episode 12, I fell off my chair out of agony.]]>

0 thoughts on “Shining Tearx X Wind Review – 34/100

  1. Ouch, that’s a pretty harsh review. In fact I think it’s the lowest I’ve ever seen you score something. Will be sure to stay far away from this one. 😛

  2. Heh, yeah. This probably was the first time since ages that I stuck with a garbage series till the end. Probably because it was so incredibly bad. ^^;

  3. i wish that i would av read this review before i decided to watch sum bullcrap before ma food got cold. now i av to live with this experince until i die and even then i will take it with me to my grave until the day of judgement, where i will be most likley sent to hell and thus forced to go through this horrific ordeal over and over again until swords start coming out of my ass and finding myself making noises as if a donky is beeing raped by MR.T

  4. Sir this Anime doesn’t deserve 34/100 this Anime deserves .01/100 , its has to be the worst anime i’ve EVER seen, even worse then School Days

  5. the only cool thing i saw was an awsome fire shooting swrord then i stoped because the drama was easy to read and absolutally stupid.

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