My Hero Academia – 69 [An Unpleasant Talk]

My first post on the new, shiny site!  Big shout outs to everyone who worked to get it up and going – Lenlo especially for shouldering the brunt of the technical issues and migration.  Everyone pitched in though, and it was a great feeling seeing everything come together!  Now we can stop playing with WordPress and get back to watching great anime!  Like MHA!

This week’s Hero Academy…is nothing scholastic at all.  In fact, “An Unpleasant Talk” could be the name of most professional all-hands meetings I’ve attended.  I completely agree with one hero’s continued questioning as to why kids were present.  Also, I retract what I said about last episode being filler – I can see how Red Riot and the lovable Fat are going to be quite involved.

While this episode was basically busywork business of building plot, there are a few key developments.  First of all, I love seeing into LeMillion’s psyche – we hadn’t previously had much inner insight into his thought process.  Good to see his turmoil at making a very tough call that probably saved Midoriya’s life…but put a child in harm’s way.  Midoriya is reacting exactly as expected – and I’m glad to see he’s blaming only himself, although it would be interesting had he resented Mirio for stopping him.

Secondly, we get a bunch of Nighteye insights.  How his quirk works is pretty interesting – also I love the guy who just randomly death-flags himself.  Smooth going there.

More tantalizing is Gran Turino’s discussion about the similarities between Midoriya and All-Might – both have the same “insanity.”  After all this time that Mirio has gotten compared to All-Might, it’s fascinating to see the slightest hint of acknowledgement for Midoriya…granted, not exactly complimentary, but it sounds as though Nighteye at least understands why he was picked.  Also, in a somewhat backhanded way, Eraserhead shows some sensei-ness and realizes that there is no earthly way he can prevent Midoriya from saving the girl he let go.  I think Eraser’s decision to try to slow the student’s roll instead of pulling him off completely is wise.

So we’re picking up steam, and I’m pretty excited.  Obviously, this operation won’t go as planned (what major operation does?)  but I’m hyped to see Man-Who-Kicks-Things (Midoriya) and Man-Who……Melts? (Mirio – I’m also reviewing Fire Force, can you tell?) beat up that Hyper Chondriac and save the poor kid.  As long as All-Might doesn’t die in the process, I’m good (I think he’s going to have issue with his predecessor’s kid probably – but DON’T TELL ME).

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