Mokke Review – 89/100

Even though the season hasn’t officially ended yet, I’m pretty sure about my top-3 series of the Autumn-season. First place is obviously for Shion no Ou, Ghost Hound comes in second, and Mokke takes up the third spot. In a generally underwhelming season, these three series stood far above the others, and manage to deliver constant quality.

Mokke has had it quite tough in terms of popularity, though. Even before it aired, people were comparing it to the next Mushishi. Expectations it obviously couldn’t fulfil. True, at first sight Mokke and Mushishi seem alike. They’re both slice-of-life stories about supernatural spirits, but that’s where the similarities end. In Mushishi, the mushi had no personality whatsoever, while in Mokke, each spirit talks just like a human would. Mushishi featured a grown up and experienced adult as its main character, while Mokke worked with two young and naive sisters. And the most important difference: Mushishi was about its stories, while Mokke is about its characters.

And that’s where people are mostly turned off by. The stories for Mokke are quite simple and not very complicated. They just serve to support the characters. Each episode features some kind of spirit that comes into contact with either the two main characters, or somebody that they know. It may seems like the “monster of the week”, but thankfully the creators have enough inspiration to make every episode different.

And really, the characters shine. They’re all well-defined and subtly developed, and especially Mizuki and Shizuru bring this anime to life. Through the 24 episodes of this series, you’ll learn their hobbies, their fears, what makes them uneasy, and how they try to deal with the fact that one of them can see spirits, while the other gets easily possessed by them.

Do note that the character-designs don’t try to be as pretty as possible. Mizuki and Shizuru are in this way really portrayed as normal girls, but if you’re one of these persons who loses interest if you don’t see a sexy bishoujo drawn to please otaku for forty-five seconds, then you may stay away from this. I also acknowledge that at times, this series tends to be a bit too dramatic for its own good. And yet, this was always a series where I knew that I would end up in a relaxed state after watching, no matter what happened during an episode. Add that to the fact that I ended up crying for the characters more than once, the music is simple, yet effective, the final episode ended up being the best of the entire series, leaving no bad taste whatsoever and the OP and ED both feature excellent songs, and I see enough reasons to put this on my list of top-series of the season.

3 thoughts on “Mokke Review – 89/100

  1. I can see why it’s likeable, but it just didn’t manage to grab me as much as shows like Mushishi and Ghost Hound have. Obviously, it’s very unfair to compare such a show like Mushishi to anything mildly related, but still…

    I suppose it just doesn’t have enough creativity or magic (you may disagree) to make you go “whoa”, but I guess it’s not meant to be, it’s just meant to be normal life and normal characters with a paranormal twist.

    Perhaps i’ll pick it up again.

  2. That’s indeed the thing. Mokke is very good, but it just isn’t as good as Mushishi. If people continue to compare it to such a behemoth of a series, then it’s no wonder that it’ll end up disappointing.

  3. Sometimes I totally ignore psgels comments about a series and sometimes I follow them, I happy i followed his comments about this one.
    Well, I have to admit it, I even cried at ep 24.
    Great series, one of the best on autumn season top 5 at least.

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