Hunter X Hunter – 13

I’ve said it before, but at the moment I’m currently really busy with moving in real life. I managed to buy my own house and right now, I’m finally moving out of my parents’ house, and I’m going to live on my own now, and I’m pretty overwhelmed by everything that you need to take care of. So with that in mind I kindof appreciate that this was a recap. That definitely helps to ease the workload a bit, especially on a day when two major series also end.

So yeah, recap. Nothing special: Gon writes a letter to his mother telling everything that happened. Yadda yadda yadda, nothing special at all. Next week will be the infamous new year break, so we’re pretty much into a two-week break right now. January 8th things will start again, and then it’s time for things to really get fired off.
Rating: – (Lacking)

3 thoughts on “Hunter X Hunter – 13

  1. Good luck & have fun with moving into your own place. The transition can be overwhelming at times, but everything will be cool once you get settled. 🙂

  2. Congratulations, I started living independently about a decade ago, when I was 16 🙂 It was tough and I bet you’ll be homesick for the next few months. Enjoy the holidays.

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