Gangsta. – 12

Normally one expects a final episode to be well…final. Right from the start you could tell Gangsta wasn’t going to make an effort to form some kind of ending with it wasting far too much time on things that don’t really matter at this point. By episode’s end I was actually questioning whether this truly was the last episode as nothing at all signified an end. That is because Gangsta didn’t end at all, it simply stopped. Imagine watching a movie and at the halfway point you accidently pressed the stop button on the remote. That’s the basic feeling of the last episode of Gangsta, the only difference here is that you can’t ever go back and watch the rest of the movie. And what a way to end, Connies still being held hostage, Alex is sitting depressed waiting for the boys to come back, Nicholas is falling to the ground while his last lines potentially imply he’s committing suicide, the evil twilights are still going around indiscriminately killing and Worick is busy dying on the grass of Marcos Mansion. Happy times all around. Well there also something about the guy with white hair seeing his sister but let’s be frank, do we care?

It’s difficult to express an opinion on this episode as the end makes the large majority of it pointless but I will say if this wasn’t the final episode then it would have been one of the stronger ones. The standouts would be the grannies fury with Marco over Connie getting kidnapped and Woricks battle against a twilight. It was interesting seeing Worick try to take the twilight down by making use of his knowledge gained from being Nicholas friend. Throwing off his sense of smell to catch him unaware was quite a smart move. It just would have been better if he actually succeeded. Humans in this series are far too under powered when compared to the Twilights so it would be nice to show that the super powered demigods were still susceptible to plain human ingenuity. Though how Worick managed to hang upside down from a two story window is beyond me. It was a rare moment of compassion for Nicolous to listen to the Grannies request and take off to find Connie. It’s such a pity we will never actually see him accomplish that, adding an old granny in the rain with no hope to the list of unintentionally tragic outcomes.

One thought on “Gangsta. – 12

  1. When this aired I was PISSED. That night was the night that THREE consecutive shows I watched ended with a whimper. I know these shows are written to send you to the Manga or Novel or whatever but fuck this ‘ending’ was pure bullshit. If you are going to have an ‘open’ (to be continued!) ending you need to A) Tie up at minimum ONE of the major plotlines B) Have a sequel / 2nd cour SOMEWHERE in the future pipeline OR C) Have a satisfying cliffhanger (like WOW I NEED MORE!) This had none of those, it was more like “WOW I WASTED MY TIME! Not gonna bother reading the source.” This ending was 100% due to them fucking up their deadlines and running a recap episode, losing them an episode they badly needed. After this crappy ending, no one will buy the blurays and a sequel will be DOA. Thanks alot Manglobe!

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