Fall 2021 First Impressions: Takt Op. Destiny, Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Shinka no Mi

Takt Op. Destiny

Short Synopsis: Emo Arima Kousei and Loli Zero Two save the world with the power of music.

Armitage: Damn. This came out as such a pleasant surprise. The show had completely flown under my radar and I walked into this premiere expecting some generic music plot. Which admittedly, this still has. But it makes up for that in the sumptuous sakuga cuts it throws at you every once in a while. While this is a collaboration between Madhouse and MAPPA, the art style is very reminiscent of A1 pictures with crisp backgrounds and some tasty lookin’ treats. But, really, you’re here for the fight scenes and they do look especially glorious. Though, it’s not just these that look good, basically every time an object on screen so much as moves, it does so with a lot of flair and style. And in general, Takt Op. Destiny is a show that oozes style from every pore. I only hope it can deliver a semi-interesting plot to accompany all the sakuga. But hey, if nothing else, we will be getting a crap ton of gifs featuring Zero Two Lite eating stuff. I know there’s a real audience for that sort of thing.

Potential: 70%

Mario: I really hope that Takt Op didn’t spend all their effort on this first episode because santa mozzarella, I didn’t expect the production to be this solid. Not only does the animation know how to shine when it counts, but also the great eye for composition makes this show look appealing all the time. The show is confident enough that it uses 3 different art styles in this premiere and somehow they all work in contribution to its themes. The story still feels generic, however. It’s a basic “human vs monsters” battle so far and the moment it starts to explain why the monsters are attracted to music, it falls flat. This is a kind of concept that you just roll with and don’t try to make sense of. It also introduces 3 oddball main characters, and personally I feel that how well you like the dynamic between them will determine how much you get out of this show in the long run. I don’t mind them so far but they are in need of more characterization and depth to make us care more about them. As far as the first episode goes, though, I’m more than pleased with what we have. Takt Op rocks & rolls!

Potential: 60%

Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha,
Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru

Short Synopsis: It’s right there in the title.

Mario: So far, Ansatsusha is a bundle of some amusing ideas wrapped up in isekai’s tired tropes. It’s such a fan-bait move to include these tropes in there, because many of them don’t need to be in this show. They could exclude the Goddess, for example, and nothing of importance would be lost. The concept of the MC carrying his assassin job to the other world is interesting, and they do spend a good deal of time showing his present life and worldview before sending him to this fantasy world. Interestingly, the LN is written by the same dude who wrote “Redo of Healer” (one of the most mean-spirited and worst shows in this genre), and in some ways this one carries the same nihilistic point of view. This is the cold world(s) of betrayal and its main attitude is “don’t believe in anyone.” So far it hasn’t raised any red flags like Redo of Healer did, but I’m nervous considering the author. The production is actually above-average, but the premise invites plenty of mind games, lots of fanservice and other genre trappings. So proceed with caution.

Potential: 20%

Amun: This OP coincides nicely with the release of the latest James Bond! In my book, this was a great first episode – especially when compared against a similar story from last season’s “The Detective is Already Dead”. High production quality, nice introduction teasers to our main cast, great backstory development, simple explanation of world rules – this is the premiere every isekai should want. Sure, there’s some service, but that’s par for the course. I previewed this series, so I have some minor understanding of where the story goes from here, and I don’t fully share Mario’s concerns. I hated Redo of a Healer with a passion (that author needs help), but Ansatsusha didn’t feel quite as mean-spirited or sadistic in the small sampling I saw. I could be wrong, as the anime has already jumped around a little, so maybe some rougher stories will be adapted this season. Until then, this is probably my dark horse of the season, and I’m looking forward to baby assassin! At least he’s just a murderer this time, not a pedo.

Potential: 75%

Shinka no Mi: Shiranai
Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei

Short Synopsis: Monke Isekai.

Wooper: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A high school class gets transported to a fantasy world with video game mechanics, but the main character gets separated from his peers, uses his Appraisal skill to level up, and… Oh, you have heard this one before? Nevermind then.

Potential: 0%

Armitage: I brought this upon myself by asking to get the new Digimon show swapped for something else more critiqueable and believe it or not, this looked like the ‘best’ choice out of all the options. But yeah, you know how this is gonna go: Generic loser MC gets drooled over by naked women out of his league, is laughably underpowered but levels up to be the baddest, kills monkeys using his body odour. Same old, same old. If this is your jam, have at it. I’d rather have my bread without any spread instead, especially when I am running late to school.

Potential: 0%

One thought on “Fall 2021 First Impressions: Takt Op. Destiny, Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Shinka no Mi

  1. As much as I’m relieved that Takt Op. didn’t turn out to be yet another substandard cross-media franchise starter, I’m still cautious about how this’ll probably all style and no substance that no amounts of sakuga can save. I’ve already seen how that fared with the Bushiroad/Sanzigen collab last season (and likely the upcoming Build Divide and Deep Insanity shows in another week).

    And one more thing, can someone please be dissuaded from casting Hiro Shimono from playing more loud, shrill, annoying main leads in upcoming shows just because he got incredibly famous playing a loud, shrill, annoying main lead in the most popular shonen series at the moment? He has range you know, a lot of it displayed well before that series. You don’t have to type cast him just because of that one role.

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