Some Quick First Impressions: Dokyuu Hentai HxEros, Fire Force S2 & Lapis Re:LiGHTs

Dokyuu Hentai HxEros

Short Synopsis: Literally Horny Power Rangers.

Wooper’s review:

If you’re opting not to watch this show because it has “Hentai” in the title, you should be aware that there’s no sex in this first episode. Instead, there are dozens of better reasons to avoid it, including a stupid premise, insipid character designs, thinly-veiled sexism, and a Mad Libs-tier script. Most of the establishing dialogue plays out along the lines of, “Hey [main character], what’s your opinion on [antagonist]?” or “Still, it’s too bad that [character] has been [personality trait] since [backstory].” These long stretches of conversation play out across slow panning shots, usually of the female lead, whose sexiness is of particular concern to the series. It wasn’t enough for her to be hot – she had to be so horny that an evil alien who tried to absorb her sex drive exploded as a result (she was around 12 years old at the time). In the present day, she fights aliens with her repressed eroticism, which naturally dwarfs her male counterpart’s libido, because women are sexy devils. The only reason I can think of to watch Dokyuu Hentai HxEros is if you think I’m exaggerating and you want to confirm how dumb this thing really is.

Potential: 0.69%

Amun’s review:

This is somehow worse than Shimoneta (props to Aidan for remembering the name off hand).  This…is not good.  Like….why?  Is good source material that scarce these days?  Project No 9 has adapted silly shows well before – do a second season of The Ryuo’s Work is Never Done or Heroes have it Tough.  Those were good.  HxEros is a misfire any way you look at it.  And you really should only look at it once – at most.

Potential: I have never seen a first episode interest me less.  And that includes Arifureta and Plunderer.

Fire Force S2

Short Synopsis: Devil Boy, Idiot Knight, Workout Fanatic, Hot Witch Gorilla, Sister Nun, Catgirl, and Lack of Fashion Sense work to uncover why people randomly catch on fire.  And do a (lads) nude calendar.  

Amun’s review:

Ayyyyyyy – that’s how you start a second season.  This episode was everything right with the first season…and had none of its problems: catgirl was kept to a minimum (and actually showed her personality and not “personalities”), the fight was FLUID AND BEAUTIFUL AND NOT CHOPPY – plus the second half had me rolling with laughter.  I mean, man, if the rest of the season is even half this good – we’re in for a treat.  Okay, there is a really weird perv shot in an otherwise amazing OP so we still have a bit of immaturity infecting from the source material.  But that premiere definitely has me nice and hyped.  Props to Tatsuma Minamikawa for starting off his tenure on the right foot!  Latom!

Potential: 100% (I think I’m going to blog this)

Wooper’s review:

This comeback has me unsure whether to clap my hands or roll my eyes. There’s an extended fight scene against an infernal in the middle of the episode, but it’s disrupted by nearly ten “remember the characters’ names?!” title cards. There’s a strong sense of fun about the episode, but a lot of it is airy to the point of irrelevance. The animation in the OP is eye-poppingly cool, but it’s backed by Aimer’s best impression of early 2010s uptempo J-rock, which is decidedly not her lane (girl’s gotta eat, though). Assuming the series keeps growing its character tree and doubles down on the metaphysical combat from last year, I’d say it’ll be the same decent, off-kilter shounen as before. A largely untested director and an initial avoidance of narrative drive are reasons to be wary, though.

Potential: 50%

Lapis Re:LiGHTs

Short Synopsis: a girl who joins a Magic Academy and meets up her teammates, plus 20 other girls while she’s touring the school.

Lenlo’s review:

In anime’s latest “Cute Girls Doing Cute Things” we have a new multimedia franchise that is making an anime, game, manga and LN all at the same time. That seems ambitious to me, especially considering the quality of the show itself, but I can’t tell Tokyo execs what to do with their money. As for the show itself, all I really have to say is that it isn’t for me. The background’s clean, especially the night shots, but do little to really inspire. We haven’t seen enough of the animation to judge that since this episode was 90% walking around the school. Meanwhile for the cast, we spent this whole first episode meeting all of the important ones at such a fast pace, they really didn’t have much time for any more than “I’m the Genki one! And I’m the [insert dere here] one!”. All in all, Lapis is shaping up to be another standard seasonal series without much to offer. It’s entirely possible it will try to pull the rug out from under me, the ED hints at some conflict to come. But as far as first episode impressions go, I am not impressed.

Potential: 25%

Mario’s review:

You know, without what it says in the premise and the OP clues, I wouldn’t have figured that Lapis Re:LIGHTS as an idol show based on this first episode. That plays mostly to its advantage, as the premiere concerns more about establishing its light-fantasy magic academy, its system and the characters. In fact, it has high-school fantasy flavour all over it, this time excluding any horny male character who accidentally encounters girls changing clothes. On that front, I appreciate its paying attention to various magic classes, and we have a serviceable protagonist to boost. It’s the supporting cast that does nothing for me so far, as the show introduces a lot of them in the first 20 minutes and so far they are stock characters with different hairs at best. The turning point for me is when Tiara bursts out and sings out loud. Yes, the combination of CGDCT, light fantasy highschool and idol is something of a selling point for me, and I still am interested to see how the show cooks up these ingredients. So I reserve my comments until the “idol” part or whatever twist plays out to see if this show is for me or not.

Potential: 30%

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 11-12

Mario: Doesn’t matter where you are right now, the last three months have been atypical to say the very least. This is the season we have more time than ever to burn and less shows than ever to follow, so catching up with old series seems like a logical step. I’m actually busier than ever but that doesn’t stop me from having dumb fun with anime and anticipating how all current season shows wrap themselves up. The results were mixed, Yesterday wo Utatte had one hell of a terrible finale that disregards every it built up in the first 11 episodes, BNA is too busy with itself and Kakushigoto’s ending feels a bit disconnected with the rest. Read on to see how these shows reach the finish line, and we will see you in the next season.

Hamefura – 11-12 (END)

Amun: We did it everyone!  We survived all the doom flags, AND avoided committing to any romance.  This last episode was busywork in the first half, and a treat to wrap up the series.  The one good point I’ll give the conclusion of spooky emo boy is that Hamefura was honest to the end – Catarina is like, yup, I really can’t fix your childhood trauma or the fact that your mother was murdered right here….but I can take your hand.  That…was actually nice.  Too many shows try to power through trauma or hurt like it can all be overcome by the power of friendship.  At least Hamefura acknowledges that there isn’t much to be done, except small steps in the right direction, starting now.  I respect that.  The second half is Catarina being Catarina…right up to the point she concludes (as only she could) that they’ve reached the “friendship” end.  Which, of course, they haven’t at all – she’s just managed to create a new end of partial-yuri-reverse-harem.

Hamefura was a bright star in a dismal season.  Although there were a few missteps in the middle, Hamefura was a fresh setting, fresh take, excellent characters, top notch VAs, and compelling enough gimmicks to make it one of the shows I looked forward to every week.  While there isn’t much rewatch value or any real depth/life-changing takeaways, Catarina and crew adorably fought their way through pampered royal high school – and I thoroughly enjoyed tagging along for the ride.

BNA – 10-12 (END)

Mario: As a whole I still consider the second half of BNA much better than the first half. The plot has urgency, characters weave better towards the overarching story, but the ending for me still feels rushed and a tad bit underwhelming. The main themes of the show are about 1) human vs beastman racism and 2) Michiru’s quest to go back to the human world – but then along the way in the climax, the human component goes off the rail and Michiru’s first conflict is being ignored. As a result, the show feels lackey and unfocused. I also have a qualms with Michiru’s special abilities and the fact that not a single side character thinks her ability is abnormal. BNA is stylish and fun to watch, sure, but like most of Trigger’s output the writing, especially the character writing and the worldbuilding are not detailed enough to sell me about the world.

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 11-12”

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 9-10

Mario: My apology that we missed out last week. Since the restriction relaxing in my hometown it has been even more hectic and busy for me lately, to the point that I am busier than I was before the lockdown. Anyways, we are here for anime and while the whole anime industry is suffering at this point (with next season looks even grimmer), the easing of restrictions in Japan’s main cities is an encouraging sign – hopefully the anime industry picks up its pace soon.

BNA – 7-9

Mario: Okay, the first half of BNA might be a little shaky (the baseball episode was pretty meh to me), but episode 7 through 9 the show seems to get a handle on framing the big overarching act, as the main players are all in places now and these three episodes provide some twists and turns. Not all of them are effective but now BNA has a sense of knowing where it goes, unlike the first half when it fails to enrich the Anima city worldbuilding. We know about the true reasons behind Michirou’s beast ability (many see this coming), the true identity of Ginrou (it’s not hard to see this coming too), Syvasta’s roles so the next three episodes where the show wraps up can build up to an exciting climax. Hopefully it sticks the landing.

Hamefura – 9-10

Amun: Hamefura got back on track this week!  After two below average (and I’d like to point out the average for this show is very high) outings, episode nine gets back to Catarina winning hearts and minds – this time of her troubled maid.  This was heartwarming, in character, and a wonderful re-perspective of the high class hijinks of whatever this academy is called.  Also the end story, where everyone gets her the exact same thing, had me rolling.  Simply top notch.  I want to point out another interesting tidbit: her parents (father in this episode, but mother in the past) are quietly supporting her shenanigans (despite her mother’s anguish at her gardening).  Nice little detail thrown in there.  Next episode looks like a confrontation, so I’m hyped – I would just recommend weapons (axes or hoes) instead of the magic trip hill.

Mario: Just chime in here for my general thoughts about Hamefura in this second half run. It wasn’t as great as the first few episodes for me, unfortunately. The issue I have with it so far is that it overplays the supporting cast’s affection towards Catarina every single freaking time. Episode 9 adds another side character whom Catarina “changes” for the better. As their love for Catarina grows, it’s hard to distinguish the cast from one another because all they have in mind is Catarina, and it’s kind of the same feeling as the show keeps beating that dead horse. Episode 10 introduces a villain who hated her gut, which for me is a nice change of pace but… is Catarina going to save his soul like everyone else? AGAIN?

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 9-10”

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 6-8

Mario: So a few weeks has passed, and this thin season has gotten thinner and thinner with shows affected by the pandemic and people died left and right, sometimes NOT because of the COVID-19 (like the devastating news that Zac Bertschy over ANN passed away. Rest in peace man). Anyways, all this sad news makes me more appreciative with shows that are still in the running. We’ve been slacking a bit here with a couple shows I have yet to follow up, but rest assured that next week we’ll be back in full steam.

Kakushigoto 4-8

Mario: So about Kakushigoto, I enjoyed the episodes as I was watching, but when it comes to the plot details, unfortunately all these gags muddle and I have a hard time recalling what was happening. I guess the reason for it is because of its gag-based nature. At its best, all the gags set up some unexpected situations. At its worst, it feels random at times. From episode 6 onward however, the show improved remarkably as the episode has connected stories. Episode 6 deals with Gotou both doing the fan meeting and going out with Hime while making sure that Hime doesn’t find out about his job and episode 7 is all about adopting the dog and heritage which I think is a pretty nice theme. The show still holds its cards close in regards to the flash-forward 18 yo Hime (Gotou is still out of the picture in that timeline). There’s also a lot of gags about the manga industry and Gotou random harem but the beating heart is all about Gotou and Hime bond.

Hamefura 6-9

Amun: Man, I know it’s lame to use COVID-19 as an excuse, but it has just sapped all my energy in regards to writing (about anime or otherwise).  Feels like Hamefura is suffering a bit from the midseason doldrums as well.  These episodes were certainly not bad, but they definitely seemed to be putting the brakes on the armada of ships heading for Catarina.  That said, I’m all about Royal Magic Academy Hijinks: Catarina Edition (or, fine, “Princess Lover” if you want to use the canonical title).  These little slices of life are endearing and fun – AND there’s even a little plot progression (meeting her friend from a previous life was really quite sweet).  I’m also dying at how everyone in this show be thirsting, while our girl Catarina is just proper hungry ^_^.   Also, hats off to Mary being the jealous fiance…except she’s jealous that her fiance is spending time with Catarina!  Nice twist there.  Overall, still top tier for this season, but I do feel we’re slowing down just a hair.  Probably getting ready for the epic finale – with candies and comradery (and probably little to no actual romance).

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 6-8”

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 5

Mario: I’m here this week feeling a bit more optimistic about anime than last few weeks, after reading a news where they confirmed that a lot of shows, most notably the ones that have been outperformed this season (though, it makes perfect sense) have already finished production: Yesterday wo Utatte, Arte, Hamefura and Bookworm Isekai with Tower of God, BNA and Kaguya-sama are nearly finished. In the midst of such unstable time it’s certainly impressive that these shows manage to be ahead of their game. In movie news, Nakitai Watashi wa Neko o Kaburu (A Whisker Away) will scrap its theatrical release for Netflix-exclusive streaming on June 18) – a move that I think other anime movies will eventually follow.

Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro – 02/03

Mario: I know the fourth episode just came out this morning but it makes more sense to group episode 2 & 3 together as they are in the same arc. Episode 2’s case was weird… having the main cast as the main culprit in a Rashomon style and whole cast of side characters (based from actual writers of the period) just pop up and have a round table regarding the murder. It’s certainly not something you see very often, and I still enjoy its attractive arts and detailed backgrounds. It’s certainly risky to portray the main characters as unreliable narrators, given they are our eyes and ears to that world. The resolution makes sense in that aspect, as it successfully gives the reasons why there are gaps in our characters’ testimonies. The biggest thing that put me slightly off, however, is how the show treats death/ murder too easy. A girl dies in the scene, but all we got is the bunch of wannabe “detectives” sitting around the table and dissect the event of the murder. You could argue Ishikawa showed some sympathy towards her death, but let me remind you that more than anyone he could’ve saved the girl – even if she was already sick, would you let her die in such a horrid way? And yes, Ishikawa is a jerk.

Ascendance of a Bookworm – 19

Amun: I’ve been surprised at how consistent Ascendance of a Bookworm is.  Most shows go up and down, but wow, has Ascendance remained absolutely constant.  Definitely not the highest highs (although the first season’s magical smackdown of the high priest was pretty good), but with almost no full episode misfires, Ascendance is just solid.  This week sees Main stepping into her role of orphanage director, some political drama, etc.  All that’s well and good, but most interesting to me is that she’s found a fruit that can absorb mana (which coincidentally is really helpful for her paper) – what will happen next?!  I’m not clairvoyant (or have read any source material), but 19 episodes in, I can confidently say Ascendance is a known quantity – and a good one at that.

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 5”

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 4

Mario: It’s the new week with the same hosts, the slice-of-slice devotee Mario and the isekai junkie Amun report on shows we’re still following, with more shows postponing and next season looks cloudier than ever. This week we see the last showings of Appare-Ranman and Houkago Teibou Nisshi before they hibernate, and some shows show signs of production issues, but it’s also a week where Hamefura proves to be our season’s favorite so far. Who could have predicted this at the start of the season? Well, color me surprise!

Hamefura – 04

Amun: This is possibly my anime of the season (although Kaguya is still this year’s heavyweight so far).  In the tale of the reincarnated benevolent villainess, Hamefura continually S.L.A.Y.S (steals lovers away, yes sir) as one by one, the unsuspecting enemies/interests of our hero/villain are conquered – despite Catarina being completely oblivious.  Any real tension of her actually being killed or banished is by now well dispelled (although I’m sure it’ll come back in the second half to great comedic effect).  Every week, a new excellence – this week was the battle for Maria’s home-cooked muffins.  If there’s one show that I really look forward to every week – it’s Hamefura.

Mario: My thought on Hamefura and our Catarina:

Tamayomi – 04

Mario: It’s hard when you see a TV production falling apart before your eyes. Tamayomi somehow avoids the delayed fate of many other shows, but at this rate it’s just a matter of time before they do. The quality in this episode is amateurish, with many off-model, cutting corners and inconsistencies in animation all over the place. The actual storyboard is fine, it’s just the melted animation that failed to hold things up and thus failed to leave any impact. Hopefully it avoids this pitfall later on, since there will be more baseball matches, and without sufficient production it’s gonna hurt the show a lot.

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 4”

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 3

Mario: This recent week was rough. We all expected this to happen, but still hearing shows after shows get postponed is disheartening. It’s to the point I’m hesitant to drop shows now because I don’t think I have enough options anymore. It might be a good chance to catch up with the old stuff, I myself have been picking up Bookworm isekai again so expect it to be covered here starting next week. We have nearly a dozen shows to talk about this week (thanks to Amun for contributing half of them), so let’s run them down:

Appare-Ranman! – 02

Mario: Another show that is affected by the COVID-19 and it’s a shame because the first two episodes so far have failed to catch my attention. Heck, we don’t even see much of car racing which is its central premise. My biggest issue with the show so far is the characters, which I find bland, uninteresting and filled with bad dialogues. Even the new girl is there because the show wanted to bring up the “girl can’t race” angle, and in the season where Arte is also airing I find it to be on the face. Appare lacks the emotional investment to any human around him that I find him rather one-noted instead of interesting. In addition, I still believe that the premiere is a waste as they could just start off with this one and we won’t really miss out much.

Hachi Nan – 03 

Amun: Just because this show was derided so hard by my colleagues, I’m going to write about it every week.  Hey, to be fair, this has actually turned into a halfway decent isekai. Now, it’s a little unsporting that two other above average isekais (Bookworm and Hamefura) are also in this season – but Hachi Nan is really a decent, run-of-the-mill, escapist isekai.  I think they’ve handled the plot at a good pace – sure, there are some contrived situations, but this is to be expected in backstories. I thought the situational irony landed well this episode, with misunderstood assumptions getting worked out in the end. This is very similar to Didn’t I Say To Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!, which aired a few seasons ago – not going to make anyone’s top anime lists, but enjoyable while it lasts.

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 3”

Kakushigoto – 03 [Makeshift Circus/ The True State of Manga and Muscles]

The third episode of Kakushigoto leaves me a bit indifferent. This week, Kakushigoto presses hard on its “gags” nature and while that works well in his previous anime adaptations, I feel these skits are a bit random in Kakushigoto. Structure-wise, the show bookends bits of the present day (with more context each time) to its “flashback” that really is our true timeline. So what do we learn in this flashforward this week? That the house the 18-yo Hime visits is their old house before they moved to Nakameguro and that Gotou layouted their new house exactly like this old house. The fact that the house in Nakameguro is on sale now, and with Gotou’s still absent in the flashforward could mean something sad is waiting around the corner. 

Continue reading “Kakushigoto – 03 [Makeshift Circus/ The True State of Manga and Muscles]”

Spring 2020 Summary: Week 2

Mario: Welcome to the first edition of Spring 2020 Weekly Summary where we throw our opinions on leftover shows that don’t receive a full coverage (the orphans so to speak). There are still more shows that I will check out when their second episode’s out (like Fruit Baskets 2, Appare-Ranman and Kisutsuki and that Cute Girls Fishing show). I also have this self-imposed rule where I’ll drop a bunch of them after 3 episodes. So expect a big clean up after next week (Beware! Listeners and Tower of God and Gleinpir). Thanks Amun for contributing to this column, and readers, if you want us to give more chance to any other show airing this season, shout out in the comment section below.

Hamefura – 02

Mario: The second episode of this Otome Isekai might not be as fresh as the first one, but it’s still adorable as heck. This week our main (villain) girl Catarina conquers two more “underlings”, not necessarily with any ulterior motive. It has considerably less self-awareness than the premiere, although in this case I prefer the meta aspect. It says right there in the title, but for me the show works best when Catarina uses her game knowledge and has her little freakouts when all roads she paves indeed leading to doom. Another winning aspect in which Hamefura succeeds so far is that she gains other characters’ trust through her efforts and goddamnit she’s earned it. HameFura is a total delight so far.

Listeners – 02

Amun: If anyone can understand a single thing that went on in this episode, then hat’s off to them.  There’s a weird trio that’s apparently never been approached by a fan, a spooky bathroom, and Mu who is definitely DTHH (Down to Hand Hold) despite our protag’s best efforts.  Throw in the creepy amusement park and a random crucifixion (I think?) and this episode was Evangelion levels of confusion. That being said, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy it – I’m just a bit confused.  Looked good while doing it though, and say what you want, but this show has some characters (MC notwithstanding).

Continue reading “Spring 2020 Summary: Week 2”

Spring 2020 Anime Coverage & First Episode Awards

Mario: Well, with all the premieres are out (and couples of them delayed infinitely), it’s time for our usual blogging schedule for the next 3 months and our First Episode Awards. It might be an unpopular opinion but I still eager to follow what this Spring season has to offer. The current pandemic has sadly halted many projects (most of them are sequels, for reasons I am yet to comprehend), and I suspect in the next two seasons, we’re going to hear more sad news regarding the medium. That’s the reason why my current attitude is that I am happy with what we currently have. This Spring season has couples of stylish Detective shows, new trend of isekai a protagonist who came back as someone younger (or I call it New-AGE isekai), and many promising seinen titles. Unlike last season where Eizouken and Dorohedoro dominated our list, this season we have no clear “Best Premiere”, in fact there was a heated discussion between staffs to agree on the winners.

As for this season’s coverage, there are some good news: Armitage is back in full force with Arte and new manga column (I wish her all the best), and hat’s off to Wooper for blogging full time (3 shows) this season. Amun won’t be blogging any show, but he will be regular in Weekly Summary post. Here’s the full coverage for Spring 2020 season:


Mario: Kakushigoto, Oregairu 3 (If it ever happens)

Lenlo: Tower of God, Fugou Keiji: Balance:UNLIMITED, Princess Tutu (Thursday Throwback)

Wooper: Kaguya-sama 2, BNA, Yesterday wo Utatte

Amun: Weekly summary contributions

Armitage: Arte, Manga Musing on Mondays


Best First Episode
(The Death Note Award)


Likely Spent All Their Efforts on the First Episode
(The Kyoukai No Kanata Award)


Best Animation
(The Samurai Champloo Award)


Season Sleeper
(The Gargantia Award)


Worst First Episode
(The Bleach Award)


Exceeded Expectations
(The Hyouka Award)


Most Disappointing First Episode
(The Berserk Award)


Best Continuation
(The Natsume Book of Friends Award)


Best Background Art
(Made in Abyss Award)