Spring 2020 Summary: Week 5

Mario: I’m here this week feeling a bit more optimistic about anime than last few weeks, after reading a news where they confirmed that a lot of shows, most notably the ones that have been outperformed this season (though, it makes perfect sense) have already finished production: Yesterday wo Utatte, Arte, Hamefura and Bookworm Isekai with Tower of God, BNA and Kaguya-sama are nearly finished. In the midst of such unstable time it’s certainly impressive that these shows manage to be ahead of their game. In movie news, Nakitai Watashi wa Neko o Kaburu (A Whisker Away) will scrap its theatrical release for Netflix-exclusive streaming on June 18) – a move that I think other anime movies will eventually follow.

Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro – 02/03

Mario: I know the fourth episode just came out this morning but it makes more sense to group episode 2 & 3 together as they are in the same arc. Episode 2’s case was weird… having the main cast as the main culprit in a Rashomon style and whole cast of side characters (based from actual writers of the period) just pop up and have a round table regarding the murder. It’s certainly not something you see very often, and I still enjoy its attractive arts and detailed backgrounds. It’s certainly risky to portray the main characters as unreliable narrators, given they are our eyes and ears to that world. The resolution makes sense in that aspect, as it successfully gives the reasons why there are gaps in our characters’ testimonies. The biggest thing that put me slightly off, however, is how the show treats death/ murder too easy. A girl dies in the scene, but all we got is the bunch of wannabe “detectives” sitting around the table and dissect the event of the murder. You could argue Ishikawa showed some sympathy towards her death, but let me remind you that more than anyone he could’ve saved the girl – even if she was already sick, would you let her die in such a horrid way? And yes, Ishikawa is a jerk.

Ascendance of a Bookworm – 19

Amun: I’ve been surprised at how consistent Ascendance of a Bookworm is.  Most shows go up and down, but wow, has Ascendance remained absolutely constant.  Definitely not the highest highs (although the first season’s magical smackdown of the high priest was pretty good), but with almost no full episode misfires, Ascendance is just solid.  This week sees Main stepping into her role of orphanage director, some political drama, etc.  All that’s well and good, but most interesting to me is that she’s found a fruit that can absorb mana (which coincidentally is really helpful for her paper) – what will happen next?!  I’m not clairvoyant (or have read any source material), but 19 episodes in, I can confidently say Ascendance is a known quantity – and a good one at that.

Nami yo Kiitekure – 05

Mario: It’s finally time for Minare to do her first (chronological-wise) radio hosting after the show’s failed attempt back in episode 1, and overall I’m happy to report that it’s the best episode so far of Wave, Listening to Me. Knowing that the program is supposed to be a hoax that will take listeners by surprise is a nice touch, but it also highlights Minare’s gift for improvisation and her voice is spectacular. Also, knowing this segment has no sponsor explains a lot of the action from previous week, and when she’s on air the focus on listeners paying attention to her speech – including a bizzare attempt murder one – are moments worth treasuring. At the end of it, we can see the impact of her first 30 minutes on air – doesn’t matter how small, or maybe because of it – to the people around the town. It’s a small delight, both for Minare and for the radio listeners, that they receive a surprise gift at the most unusual time.

Hamefura – 05

Amun: This show is punching so far above its rightful weight, it’s absurd.  I guess the entire premise is subversion of expectations, but Hamefura just hits every right note in villainess Catarina’s conquest of all the hearts.  I mean, this is supposed to be a simple isekai – the detail of even side characters is off the charts.  Catarina’s mother vs Maria’s mother, for example – that’s the exact opposite of lazy writing.  We also have something we almost NEVER see in anime – Maria’s father was given full characterization, despite leaving.  Most of the time you get a silhouette or faceless photo – just thought that was interesting.  I think what this show is trying to drive home is that no matter if you’re put into a predetermined role of a villainess, as long as your gosh-darn heart is in the right place, you’ll…end up accidentally seducing the heroine?  Wait, what?  At any rate, this is the overachiever of the season, no question.  Also, farmer Catarina is just simply unfair levels of adorable – I feel you, Keith.

Tamayomi – 05

Mario: Tamayomi episode 5 still looks crappy, but at least it’s a significant improvement from last week, and one that I don’t mind following around. This week the show speeds up a lot of training matches, and its focus is broader than its previous weeks, which I found delightful. It feels as if the entire cast all have their moments to grow, and I am always a fan of small character drama instead of big moments. All these girls as a result fit neatly like fibres in a mat. Just one character though that I find a bit over-the-top in otherwise balanced characterization is the Sensei. The fact it speeds up also means that they will approach the tournament very soon, and I’m all ready. Hopefully the production stays consistent.

Listeners – 05

Amun: Listeners is a mess – but what they do with their ending credits is pretty cool: they basically recut the entire episode rotoscoped.  I have never seen that much effort put into ending credits before.  Unfortunately, this is probably my last episode of our weird musical mechs.  This week’s classic rock musician was Prince – with liberal use of the colour purple and strange symbols.  Yeahhhh….I just am having a hard time caring about the main characters or their chemistry.  This episode at least had a few sparks, but I’m pretty over the weird rock-n-roll caricature of the week.  Also, the character designs have oddly fat faces – like everyone has something in their cheeks.  Not a fan.

Fruits Basket S2 – 05

Mario: Sadly, it’s a weak episode for Fruits Basket. It splits into 2 segments, and none of them are really essential. In the first half we have Tohru hanging out with the Zodiac members in the spooky house, and except for Haru’s makeshift story, it feels underwhelming. The second half introduces a new Souma member, and it’s interesting to explore his chemistry to Tohru’s friend, Arisa, but I found the whole thing too melodramatic. They meet each other like, two times, you know. Is it enough for teary conversation and a near-kiss at the end? I’m not too sure.

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