Winter 2023 Impressions: Buddy Daddies, My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog, Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World

Buddy Daddies

Short Synopsis: Two hiremen kills people for money and adopts / raise a girl on the side.

Mario: It’s hard not to compare this to Spy x Family, a show that just ended a mere weeks ago and was one of the most popular shows of 2022. It runs on basically the same premise, but for its own sake I’ll try not to compare them in this review. What do I feel after the credit rolls? It’s a bit too much melted cheese on top. I was pretty much in board with it, up until the little girl shows up. Before that, we can see the rough edges of both our main duo, Kazuki and Rei (especially on the former). They have opposing personalities but do feel like they improve each other, and on top of that, moments like Kazuki abandoning the cat and then later on visiting it to give food say a lot about his character. It’s nothing deep but it’s a nice little character moment that held shedding a light to the inner psyche of the characters. Visually, it looks neat as well with some nice set-pieces. But the moment the girl enters the screen, Buddy Daddies encounters some issues. First, the overall sweetness of her underwhelms (rather than strengthen) the roughness the two mains established before. We do learn that she tries to find her dad, whom she has never met before. There’s a hint of sadness there but the episode goes instead on the hijinks and makes her more of a cinnamon roll that our mains have to protect. It doesn’t help that the second half has many glaring plot holes as well. Most notable of all: why doesn’t the girl recognize her own Mother (the wife of the target? We have a picture of them together). I don’t deny that I had fun watching it, but I will see in later episodes whether it can overcome its issues.
Potential: 50%

Lenlo: Having just finished my SpyXFamily review, I feel like I should go back and give it a higher score, because Buddy Daddies is making me appreciate just how tight that show actually was. It’s not that Buddy Daddies is bad, it actually has a few things going for it I quite like. It seems to take the leads jobs much more seriously, with them actually out killing people, stealing stuff, and generally leading actual double lives. On top of that, the leads seem to have a lot more chemistry going on. Like they are together because they actually need/like each other, not because of some hackneyed plot device. Should they actually get together as a couple while raising this kid, I’d be really interested in the kind of stuff they can pull off. Am I sold on the show? Not at all. But I’m definitely intrigued about this alternative take on “Deadly parents adopt a child”.
Potential: 50%

My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog

Short Synopsis: A young man is reincarnated as a dog and adopted by his childhood crush, who proceeds to sexually molest said dog.

Lenlo: Inukai-san is only slightly more tasteful than Onimai, the other premier ecchi of the season. Don’t take that as a compliment, it isn’t, it’s closer to a lighter insult. And the only reason I think that is because Inukai, deep down past the ecchi and bestiality, might have something to say about loneliness and dependence. Not much. This is still a show where a girl gets excited from a dogs tail brushing her vagina. But it’s sort of there. Maybe. If you squint. Don’t squint too hard though, then they will think you are looking.
Potential: 2 dogfuckers out of 10

Mario: Ahh I found a show that is even more garbage than Onimai, which is astonishing in its own way. If you are keen to witness the downfall of the anime industry, with only 10 minutes to spare, then Inukai will give you pleasure.
Potential: “My sex life as a dog (and it’s not that bad)” ver 6.9

The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World

Short Synopsis: A legendary sorcerer falls in battle only to be reborn as a young man and sent to a magical highschool he is far too overpowered for.

Lenlo: Generic school based magical fantasy series with an incel overpowered protagonist, class system culture putting them at the bottom of the social hierarchy for no good reason, and arbitrary ranks to set up power scaling say what? Look if you want a braindead magic show with generic as hell designs and plot, this is for you. Personally though, I wouldn’t waste your time. There are just better fantasy fantasy series. Better isekai series. Better magic series. Don’t watch this. It’s mediocre.
Potential: 0%

Amun: First thing I noticed is the subpar character designs. I think it’s the skin texture – it’s so bland. Then the rest of the episode happened. And it was awful. Although I’m the resident isekai/fantasy enjoyer….skip this. Like seriously, if someone told me this was the first AI generated anime, I’d believe it. Humanity is still superior! The machines won’t win this round! If this was made by humans…my apologies, but the machines might have you beat here. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, don’t watch this.
Potential: 0%

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