Wellber no Monogatari – 10

This definitely was a cute episode. Basically, Rita and Tina make up again, after Rita finds out about the misunderstanding. It seems that this arc was mostly meant to flesh out the pair of them a bit before the finale starts. A “calm before the storm”, in a way, though that doesn’t mean that everything was light-hearted. Both Rita and Tina turned out really touching. I have to say that, while the ending was a bit too coincidental, it was nicely found, and unlike any other Deus ex Machina I’ve seen. I really wonder what the creators have in stall for us for the final episodes. It definitely realizes that it needs to build up first, and something really tells me that they’ve been planning something very interesting for the finale of this anime. About the only thing I felt disappointed over in this episode was that we never get to see the reunion of Tina and her boyfriend. After she wrote such a lovely letter to him, he came all the way to Sangatras just because of this. Apart from that, though, it was a great episode. Oh, one thing though. Someone please tell the animators a few things about the English language. As if Bokura no’s “Garally” wasn’t bad enough…]]>

0 thoughts on “Wellber no Monogatari – 10

  1. PAUN?! Oh, Japan … as always, I look forward to seeing this episode! The fansubbers have recently done ep. 3, so … it may be a while ^^; Thanks for the summary!

  2. Also notice the screwed up “N” in PAUN. Yeah, it’s a pity that the fansubbers are so slow with this one. Episode six is when it really starts to get fired up. 🙂

  3. you leave great summaries to all the eps cause ive only seen a few so far so this is great. But i didnt know rita had a boyfriend..haha probaly cause i haven’t watched much yet.i kinda though there was a little bit of yuri between tina and rita if you looked hard enough.haha or maybe its just me.

  4. The last episde’s summary was delightfully long, but this episode, as per ur descriptn seems to be more on the ‘bonding’ thing than developmental…Thanks

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