Tytania – 17

Short Synopsis: Making use of the bad organization of the enemy, Fan lets himself get caught, in order to escape again.
Episode Rating: 8/10 (Excellent)
Here’s an interesting one: for February, this show is going to be on and off: in two weeks it’s having yet another hiatus, though in March, it’s going to have double episodes for four consecutive weeks! That’s really got to be the point where this series needs to deliver. It’s been building up so much, so it’d better have a damn good finale! And with a bit of luck Lydia will also actually start DOING something.

It’s a shame that this series is always going to remain in the shadows of Legend of Galactic Heroes. I bet that if the connections with that epic were gone, this series would have been generally better received so far. It’s still a very unique anime to me (I refuse to believe that LoGH was awesome in the same way that this series is).

Fan… the guy remains strange. At first sight he has no big reason whatsoever to go after any other Tytanian than Alsas. There is no “my people are oppressed so I’m just going to bust Tytania to free them”, and neither is he a great moral knight that’s so typical of most of his counterparts in other anime. Now that I think about it, he doesn’t have any huge ideals and this makes this series step away from the moralistic themes that may be a bit too present in anime. For him, it’s just a simple game: he doesn’t care whether he dies or not, he just wants to see how far he can go. It’s rare to find a main character in anime like him. And I think that that’s why I came to like this show so much: aside from perhaps Miranda, every single character here is flawed, and unlike your average perfect character. And in a way, I’d much rather see how far Fan can go with his gamble than the umpth teenager who’s fighting for the power of love.

This episode also showed some surprise background for Miranda, including yet another surprising death. This show really likes to kill of characters at the time you’d least expect it, doesn’t it? ^^; It’s a shame, because the guy was pretty smart, even though this episode showed that he lacks the experience in practical combat. He could have grown into a pretty formidable foe. Though I guess that Miranda realized this as well, so she killed him before he got the chance to prove a threat.

3 thoughts on “Tytania – 17

  1. Well you are kinda right,LoGH and Tytania are awesome in different ways,Tytania has a lot of things that make it great and make it an interesting experience to watch

    Also LoGH was not seen by that many anime fans(judging by anime sites like MAL or aniDB) so not many people were expecting a lot from Tytania,for some reason however Tytania did not become that popular and relatively few people are watching it,maybe because space operas like it are not that popular with the anime community still i have seen many LoGH fans,who might have had high expectations of it,that are enjoying Tytania a lot so i don’t really think this anime is not that well known because of LoGH.

  2. I like Tytania, but I would lie if I said the pacing issues didn’t worsen this show for me, among other things. I’m keeping up with it all the same, because the final episodes of the series have a chance to pick up the pieces and do something truly good with them once all the build-up and procedural sequences are done.

    Maybe it is just a difference in tastes, but there’s a fine line between Fan being strange and his being uninteresting, which the guy sometimes crosses in the wrong direction. By now I much automatically prefer to see the different Tytanian nobles in action.

    Can’t comment on the current episode yet.

  3. What were the Tytania guards doing in this episode? They were just standing around while their commander is being beat up and shot. I guess this just illustrates how incompetent most of the Tytania officers are.

    Fan is a bizarre character since he doesn’t seem to take anything really serious (other than Lira). It’s hard to imagine a guy like Fan would topple the clan that has dominated the stars for so many years but that’s part of what makes the show appealing.

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