Tytania – 05

Short Synopsis: A planet-nation called Turandia just lost its king, and Tytania immediately plans to re-establish diplomatic relationships.
Highlights: Finally some politics again.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
You know, it’s taken me five whole episodes to realize the whole hidden meaning behind the OP and ED: The OP shows just shots of the Tytanians, while the ED is about Fan Hulic, Lyra and Miranda. It’s a very nice use of symbolism, although the dramatic visuals in the ED worry me a bit. I really hope that the creators aren’t going to focus too much on the romantic relationship between Lyra and Fan Hulic, because so far it’s been the least interesting aspect of this series. Especially those thorns bug me.

In any case, this episode went back to the politics again, which was very much welcome after the previous episode. It was an interesting idea that Turandia, after the loss of its ruler needed to re-establish its political structure. Juslan was sent to that planet to help that (apparently, he’s the half-brother of one of the dearest friends of the princess of the country), but unfortunately most of the Turandia-officials decided to turn themselves against Tytania. I didn’t expect these two to die so suddenly either. The coup d’etat was one thing, but instead of just capturing the princess, they just shot her.

This episode also showed the large implications that Ariabart’s loss had to the image of Tytania. They’re no longer the invincible force that needs to be reckoned with, which inspired the Turandia-officials to grab the courage to turn themselves against the nation. I’m not sure yet how the rebels and Fan Hulic are going to form the centre of this opposition, but I guess that that’ll be clear in the next episodes.

4 thoughts on “Tytania – 05

  1. On the contrary, the romance is the only thing saving this series, since the politics side is so mediocre – it essentially just consists of bishies posing and trying to look cool. Well, not quite that bad, but not far from it.

  2. In a sense Tytania OP and ED are very similar to LoGH OP and ED, LoGH ED also had a very big spoiler in it. Both anime are based on novels by the same author so I wonder how many similarities there will be.

    I don’t mind mediocre politics in anime what I can’t stand are the character designs in Tytania, I so wish they had keep more true to Haruhiko Mikimoto designs and colourschemes, instead they just took off and run away with something very cheesy and cheap

  3. They shot her? I don’t think so.

    They tried to keep her Royal Highness because she was needed as a figurehead to garner support for their rebellion.

    Also, you could see one of the plotters freaking out after she was apparently shot. As opposed to smug that he succeeds or angry that she’s not cooperative.

    Finally, all those soldiers but the closest one was Edwin. Who put the gun in her hand, if she didn’t shoot herself?

    Seeing how she admired Tytania and knew she was just going to be used, I think she did herself in just to make trouble for the rebels.

    Then again, they could probably play it off as Juslan having killed her and get the people all riled up that way…

  4. She shot herself to keep the rebels from using her as leverage. Edwin was shot by the soldiers after grabing her gun.

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