True Tears – 11

Okay, so as things look now, the next episode will feature the big climax of True Tears, while episode 13 will be some kind of aftermath. And really, after the last episode I may have said that Shinichiro and Hiromi are now officially a couple, but this episode yet again gave both of them an equal change. On one hand, Shinichiro and Hiromi ended up kissing each other this episode, but at the same time Shinichiro has found out how much Noe thinks about him.

True Tears really is a series about sorting out your own feelings, and making hard decisions that will end up in others getting hurt. One thing that I do hope for is that the creators aren’t going for a “true happy ending”, like how the one who Shinichiro doesn’t end up choosing will leave, while being happy because Shinichiro is happy. This is just so overused, as a cheap plot-twist to just wrap up small love-triangles without much trouble. I like how True Tears did this with Aiko, and Clannad with just about every female character. They all realized that they won’t stand a chance. The girls from Clannad then just continued as usual, though that doesn’t mean that they’re happy about it, and Aiko went and tried to make up with Miyokichi again. Although subtle, these reasons are so much better than having just one guy around a bunch of girl, and none of these girls seem to realize that they’re not the only ones in love with said guy.

I think that in these themes, True Tears is one step above Kimikiss, even though these two use rather similar concepts. It really feels like Kimikiss is trying too hard with its love triangles, and it really misses the subtlety of True Tears in my opinion. Take this episode for example. We get a lot of different close-ups, but you’ll never know exactly how these characters are feeling. With Kimikiss, guessing how each character feels is much easier, making that show much more predictable.

4 thoughts on “True Tears – 11

  1. I think in the preview when Jun says “can I kiss you” or some crap, he’s probably talking to Hiromi even though he tried to kiss her twice. This time he’s asking for her permission LOL! But I’m seriously hoping he’s asking Noe because she might be REALLY REALLY upset and then, you know, he wants to comfort her in a way and resolve his feelings too.

  2. “while being happy because Shinichiro is happy. This is just so overused, as a cheap plot-twist to just wrap up small love-triangles without much trouble”

    totally agree – I don’t think Shin should end up with anyone, simply because I don’t think he deserves any of those girls. But…oh well… we’ll see.

  3. “while being happy because Shinichiro is happy. This is just so overused, as a cheap plot-twist to just wrap up small love-triangles without much trouble”

    rawr. Pretty much if they won’t go for a happy ending there’ll be a reason for them to create a second season =D


  4. Chin and hiromi became a couple =). But like JJ said, i wished Shin didnt end up with anybody so they could have a reason to make a second season. But i guess he ended up with hiromi >.

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