True Tears – 10

With this episode, the zig-zagging of Shinichiro’s feelings is definitively over, and he’s finally chosen. I must say, that this has been one of the best harems I’ve seen. The director of Simoun has really shown that even a harem can turn out great with the right development. I still cringe at how many of these series feature the plot-device where a younger-version of the protagonist meets up with a bunch of girls, and they all end up falling in love with him afterwards. It really doesn’t go that easily! Especially Shuffle was bad at this (christ, I still can’t believe that I ever managed to finish that series).

There are three episodes left, and they’ll probably focus on Noe, sorting out her own feelings. This episode pretty well resolved the Miyokichi/Aiko storyline, and it seems that Aiko did sort out hers, and has acknowledged that Shinichiro doesn’t like her. I doubt that Noe will take it that well, though. Her brother took her so much in his protection that she’s hardly ever been with another guy, and it’s apparent how much trust she put in Shinichiro when he first met her, trying to look for someone to distract him from his worries about Hiromi.

One thing I like about this series is how Shinichiro isn’t portrayed as some huge player, who even though he has one girl, goes after another. This seems to happen often in other harems, and random girls fall surprisingly easy for the guy, even though they hardly know him. With True Tears, all the crushes are neatly explained, and in the end, they didn’t feel forced. The creators did very well in keeping within the boundaries of suspense of disbelief, something that yet again most other harems have a lot of troubles with.

3 thoughts on “True Tears – 10

  1. I just hope it stays this way, being Hiromi/Shini. That will probably make it an awesome show. =)
    The preview kind of worry me. But, the other preview made many think Hiromi was going to get it with Jun and it wasn’t like that at all.

  2. i didn’t even bother with the preview this time….they’re so misleading

    I think noe won’t take it that bad,afterall,she’s the one who told him that he’d be better off with hiromi,i think she might end up with Miyokichi

  3. The Miyokichi/Aiko relationship is what disappoints me the most. I REALLY wish they would stay together. I can’t see Miyokichi with Noe. I think all of the blogs so far are dead on. All the characters are real and the best friend/sidekick is not super annoying like Niijima from Kenichi.

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