The Star of Cottonland Review – 82,5/100

Ever feel like you’re in the need of a really big hug? You need something warm and charming to watch? Meet The Star of Cottonland. This movie is beyond cute.

The creators of this movie set themselves the task to make its lead character as adorable as possible and they succeeded pretty well, actually. It’s a unique little movie about a small kitten in a world where cats are drawn as people. Ranging from her subtle movements, innocent inner monologues, subtle development and her non-verbal communication: everything that the lead character does is chock full of charms. This is a movie that was made by people who really like cats, there is no doubt about it.

Beyond that though, this movie also shines because it has quite a creative storyline. There are none of the usual cliches or tropes, and the ones that are there are averted throughout the movie. It has some bittersweet elements, but it’s never cheesy. In fact, the reason why these bittersweet elements work so well is because of how subtly they’re delivered, excellently combining the lead characters’ charm. Technically, this is a movie about self-discovery, but it chose a pretty original way to play out. It leaves a lot of stuff successfully up to the viewers’ imaginations and it also know exactly how much it should wrap up in order to feel complete.

Now, there are a few flaws here and there among the side characters, some are just one-dimensional and others have rather forced motivation. The weirdest is one particular woman with an allergy of cats, though. For some strange reason, the creators of this movie seem to confuse cat allergy with cat phobia. This woman never sneezes or gets any itches, but instead acts completely neurotic whenever a cat is in her vicinity.

In any case, a Star of Cottonland is a well made movie. It’s quite well animated especially around the lead character. It’s entire cast does an excellent job of growig on you as the movie goes on, and it’s a very nice watch for anyone who is looking for something really cute for 90 minutes.

Storytelling: 8/10 – Well restrained, yet makes the story evolve really well.
Characters: 9/10 – Absolutely adorable lead character; the creators did an amazing job of bringing a young kitten to life. Side characters have a few problems here and there.
Production-Values: 8/10 – Life-like animation for the lead character.
Setting: 8/10 – The way in which this series treats cats is a really nice idea.

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2 thoughts on “The Star of Cottonland Review – 82,5/100

  1. “The weirdest is one particular woman with an allergy of cats, though. For some strange reason, the creators of this movie seem to confuse cat allergy with cat phobia. This woman never sneezes or gets any itches, but instead acts completely neurotic whenever a cat is in her vicinity.”

    I agree with you on that statement. That’s pretty much the only thing that bugged me about this movie. But other than that, I loved it. Your review was spot-on! Great job!

  2. The cat-allergy-woman reminds me of my own grandmother, who always said that she was allergic to cats, but in truth had a phobia of them and didn’t want to admit it. I haven’t watched this film yet, but is it ever stated that the woman is definitely, obviously allergic to cats?

    That aside, thank you for the review! I really want to watch this film now.

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