Tentai Senshi Sunred 2 Review – 82,5/100

It’s extremely rare for a comedy sequel to be better than its predecessor. Most of the times, the best jokes are already exhausted, the characters have gotten dull, it takes its style too far, et cetera. Here is one, though. The first season of Tentai Senshi Sunred was a nice super sentai series parody, but there were a number of episodes that just dragged on or weren’t funny. The second season isntead is much more consistent and hilarious.

Tentai Senshi Sunred 2 doesn’t just show that it has plenty of ideas for a second season, it also shows that it’s been saving its best ideas as well. It cleverly makes use of the build-up and character introductions that became rather boring in the first season, and uses them to back up these jokes. The jokes often revolve around a silly monster that Sunred has to battle, or a ridiculous plan of his ‘arch-rival’ vamp that just makes no sense, but a lot of the humour also comes from the monsters themselves as we’re introduced to some hilarious problems that they’re worrying about, like their own identity as a monster, or just every day problems that become just hilarious when put into the context of this series, considering how nobody seems to find it scary that a bunch of random monsters walk around.

There still are a number of monsters that just aren’t funny, like the two moles, or the animal soldiers also tend to drag at times, but overall Tentai Senshi Sunred succeeded yet again with its unique brand of humour. Take a regular slice of life setting, and make it the centre stage of a battle between a hero and an evil organization, sombining a huge amount of realism with a huge amount of stupidity with a combination that works perfectly.Sunred himself always provides a great chemistry with the rest of the cast as just about the opposite that you’d expect of a fighter for justice, and the rest of the cast all plays their part wonderfully.

Storytelling: 9/10 – A much larger percentage of the jokes hit the spot compared to the first season.
Characters: 8/10 – Excellent chemistry between them, plus a number of lovable monsters.
Production-Values: 7/10 – Still very simple and basic animation, but the character poses are very detailed and expressive.
Setting: 9/10 – The detailed and strangely realistic dialog really made me buy the very take on the super sentai genre.

One thought on “Tentai Senshi Sunred 2 Review – 82,5/100

  1. My god i marathoned this series lately and it was so hilarious. This time it was a lot better without the host dog and the animal soldiers parts were quite small too

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