Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 Anime Review 48/100

Another year, another season of Kimetsu no Yaiba. As what is most likely the most popular, and profitable, current Shounen series being produced, it’s no surprise Kimetsu no Yaiba got a 3rd season. The thing probably prints money. So you would expect at least some of that money to make its way back into the series, either in the form of grander visuals, longer schedules, larger time frames, better writing, etc. Yet the sad truth is that we don’t appear to be getting any of that. In fact it appears to me that this 3rd season, Kimetsu no Yaiba: Swordsmith Village, is the worst season we’ve got yet. Why could that be? It’s still directed by Haruo Sotozaki, still animated by Ufotable, and the original story still Koyoharu Gotouge. So why then is this the least excited I’ve ever been for the series? Let’s dive in and find out, but before you go on, which demon slayer hashira are you?

Be warned, this review contains major unmarked spoilers for Kimetsu no Yaiba Seasons 1/2 and minor unmarked spoilers for Season 3. It also contains major Season 3 spoilers in some sections however these will be heavily marked to avoid accidents. Continue reading “Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 Anime Review 48/100”

Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 11 [A Connected Bond:Daybreak and First Light]

Welcome all, to the double-length grand finale for Season 3 of Kimetsu no Yaiba! With double the runtime we have a fair amount to talk about this week, so lets jump right in!

Starting off my immediate question is: Did this need to be double length? Did it really? Personally, I would say no. Cut out a lot of the more useless flashbacks, the last minute tricks, the extended back and forth’s, this could easily have been a single episode. The only reason to make this a double feature is to add a bit of weight. That said, as far as endings go… This ain’t bad. In fact it’s better then I was expecting. We got a nice visual/setting change as the sun came up, a shocking amount of legitimately emotional gravitas, the first in the season, and some actually decent comedy. As far as endings go, this is more then the season deserved. At least until Yaiba managed to shoot itself in the foot. Again.

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Dr. STONE S3 Anime Review 75/100

Whether or not it’s actually the case, hat tricks feel kind of rare in anime. A 1st season? Simple enough, get your adaptation. A 2nd? Good job, you held out, already in the upper half. A 3rd?! Well that’s when you start thinking a show might actually get adapted all the way to end. And it’s those hallowed halls that Dr. STONE is stepping into. Animated by TMS Entertainment with original story by Riichirou Inagaki and original art by Boichi, Dr. STONE returns with a new director at the helm, Shuuhei Matsushita. How will his take on the best non-battle-battle Shounen currently being made compare to that of the original director, Shinya Iino? Can he bring it back from the brink after the dip that was Season 2? Well I’ll give you hint: Abso-freaking-lutely. This is the best season of Dr. STONE yet. So without further ado, let’s jump in!

Be warned, this review contains minor unmarked spoilers for Dr. STONE. It also contains major spoilers in some sections however these will be heavily marked to avoid accidents. Continue reading “Dr. STONE S3 Anime Review 75/100”

Dr. STONE S3 11 – [With This Fist, A Miracle]

Welcome all, to the final episode of Season 3 of Dr. STONE! This week sees Kohaku break a rock, Senku connect with his dad and the team find the platinum. A fair amount going on this week, so lets dive into it!

So as far as finales go, Dr. STONE is a weird one. The actual content is good, there’s no denying that, and we will talk about that as we go. But as an experience… This feels more like the half-way point of a season then an actual finale. Yes, the platinum was retrieved and we know what our next steps are. But no one on the ship has been saved yet. Kohaku/Ginro/Amaryllis are still stuck in the Inner Palace. Ibara/Moz/Kirisame are still out there, and still dangerous. Nothing has really been resolved. It’s more like we’ve finally reached a point where both sides are on equal footing and a real conflict can start to take place. Like things are going to start heading towards a climax. And that’s a bit of a shame, because this is very much a “Wait for next season” sort of ending.

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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 10 [Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji]

Welcome all, to the penultimate episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba’s third season! This week is all about Kanroji, the premier waifu of the season, from her backstory to her fight with the Upper Four. We have a lot to talk about this week, so lets dive in!

So, Kanroji. This is her episode. And you know what? It’s not bad. Overall I’d call it an improvement over the last few Tokito-centric ones. And you know what I think the biggest contributor to that? Her combat style. Everything about it is simply far more visually appealing. Her ballet-like movement, the poses, the moonlight flashing off her sword and the patterns it draws in the air Even the after effects of her attacks on the wood, the little burn marks and ash left hanging in the air. Kanroji has all the flare that has been missing from the rest of the season. It’s a damn shame she has so little screen time, because I think she could have made the arc much more memorable on that front.

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Dr. STONE S3 10 – [Science Wars]

Welcome all, to another week of Dr. STONE! This week our girls go on an infiltration mission while our boys play with magnets. I promise that isn’t a joke, it’s actually what happens. Don’t believe me? Then lets dive into the episode!

Overall this was a pretty standard week for Dr. STONE. Some comedy with Kohaku, a serious moment with Ginro and a fair amount of science with Senku. It seems that Dr. STONE has found a pattern it really likes, and it’s one I think works well. What really makes it work though I think is how Dr. STONE is constantly switching up its groups. Splitting them off and merging them back together, giving each member moments to play off of others in new combinations. Stuff like Gen and Kohaku’s back and forth, or Kohaku and Amaryllis manipulating their way through the Palace. These are different from say… Senku’s relationship with Gen, or Senku and Kohaku. Different pairs lead to different jokes and banter. Overall, I like it.

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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 9 [Mist Hashira Muichiro Tokito]

Welcome all, to another week of Kimetsu no Yaiba! This episode sees the conclusion of one fight and Kanroji’s appearance in the other. Is either good? Or is it more of last weeks disappointment? Let’s find out!

Starting off with the positive, this week saw a conclusion to the Upper Five fight. And you know what? I’ve decided I liked it. Yeah, it was a tad anti-climactic. And I still don’t think the Mist Breathing is very good for animation, though it makes for some great still shots. But overall I’m content. There were no gimmicks, no tricks or last minute twists. Just a straight up fight with a fully self-realized Tokito finishing the guy off. Considering what’s been going on with Upper Four, that was rather refreshing. I was expecting some kind of “This isn’t my final pot” sort of bullshit. And we even got some growth from Tokito to, some showing of emotion. It’s a bit weird, the kid is still very un-emotive aside from some random rage. But you know what? I’ll take what I can get.

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Dr. STONE S3 9 – [Beautiful Science]

Welcome all to another week of Dr. STONE! Apologies for the delay on this one, I had to get the seasonal preview out as well. Anyways without further ado, lets dive into the episode!

Overall I thought this was a great episode. A good mix of both Dr. STONE’s unique brand of comedy and its more serious narrative. The best example of this of course being Ginro. At the best of times he’s this stupid wreck of a human, a complete coward who look for any opportunity to get out of work and escape responsibility. It makes for some amusing jokes at times. But seeing him struggle with that as he’s confronted by Kinro’s statue, his desperate attempt to escape carrying him on his back before resolving not to run not because it’s the right thing but because he cares specifically for his friend. Mmm, it’s just good shit. Dr. STONE really sold his “Coward that does what’s necessary” energy. Think of him like Zenitsu from Kimetsu no Yaiba, but much more narratively compelling and much less annoying.

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Kimetsu no Yaiba S3 – 8 [The Mu in Muichiro]

Welcome all, to another week of Kimetsu no Yaiba! This is… I won’t lie, this is a rough week for the series. There won’t be a lot of positivity in this post. But after last week I’m sure you anticipated that. So without further ado, lets dive in!

Getting right to it, this week was… Not good. Before even getting into the actual content, the episodes very structure was just terrible. Most of it was this slow-paced flashback, completely annihilating any kind of tension or pacing in an otherwise action-filled arc. This isn’t uncommon for Yaiba, it does this with basically every villain, following the exact same structure. But this one felt particularly egregious as it added so very little to the episode. It didn’t even manage to have any of Yaiba’s trademark flashy after effects! Instead it was filled with blurry rain, poor CGI forests and just kind of dull scenery compared to everything else we’ve seen. It honestly felt like a waste of 15 minutes. And the worst part? The actual content of the flashback wasn’t very good to begin with!

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Dr. STONE S3 8 – [The Trump Card Aboard the Science Vessel]

Welcome all, to another week of Dr. STONE! This week we meet our major antagonists, figure out their relationship with the island, and most of all see the petrification device! So without further ado, lets dive in.

So lets start with the big reveal this week: The petrification device. Dr. STONE has long hinted at this, and we’ve long had theories about it. What could cause all of this? How does it work? And while we haven’t gotten those answers just yet, we have finally seen it. And with that, we’ve also started to learn how it works. About its limited ranged and indiscriminate nature, like a grenade. How, despite its fantastical effects, it isn’t fantasy. This isn’t a spell. As Senku put it, it’s not magic because it has rules. And if it has rules, then it’s a science. And if it’s science? Then Senku can’t lose, because science is his everything. I really like this, I think it takes a fantastical McGuffin that’s always existed and demystifies it a bit. It really feels like Dr. STONE is finally progressing that overarching plot. I like that.

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