Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Review 85/100

Coming out on a wave of unprecedented hype before being lambasted as a disappointing release, Cyberpunk 2077 certainly has made its mark on the gaming industry. Having put in over a hundred hours into the game, I thought that story, characters, graphics and setting were really excellent but the stupid amount of bugs, missing or half-baked features and unfillfulled promises really marred my experience. It’s only now nearly two years after its initial release that the game is in a relatively stable state and substantial new content is finally on the cusp of dropping instead of trying to mend all the fractured pieces. Coinciding with the Edgerunner DLC release, CD Projekt Red and Studio Trigger have collaborated together to release an anime out on Netflix’s streaming platform. The result is that the animation staff and writers, who worked on shows like Kill la Kill and Promare, have managed to revitalize a product that many gamers had written off as another overhyped and broken project.    I don’t like the Netflix model of dumping the entire show at the same time. While it is not beholden to the weekly broadcasting schedule of TV channel providers, I would have preferred to spaced out the hype just like how Riot’s Arcane was delivered in three episode chunks over a couple of weeks. Edgerunnners is genuinely good and it’s a shame that it doesn’t get the traditional buildup of publicity and makes the discussion around the show uneven. It does seem that the show is still gaining popularity as evident by the massive increase in player count for the two year old game.

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