Suteki Tantei Labyrinth – 10

Just when you think a show can’t get any stranger, it surpasses itself. Get this: today’s mystery is about a guy who’s been spiked on top of a huge radio-tower. Yeah. The explanation that the show puts behind it is also the most ridiculous of the entire series: the culprit was a fireman, and he used a super-powered hose with liquid nitrogen in the middle of the rain to create a path of ice to the top of the tower, climbed it and placed the corpse on top of it. Okay, I can imagine how he got the idea, being a fireman and all, but wouldn’t the ice-tower break through the sheer pressure, being hundreds of meters TALL and all? Also, wasn’t there a fence around the tower? How could he have gotten a fire-truck there? And seriously… why think of such a huge plan when you can just dump the body somewhere in the ruins of the city, and it would have been hidden for a long while. Why go through the trouble of such a risky plan? Obviously, the evil Byakko is the source of the trouble again. Interestingly enough, she ends up killing the culprit at the end of the episode, and I’m curious as to what the creators had in mind for the next episode. This series really continues to baffle me… the creativity is there, it’s just used at the wrong places, but I do have to admit that I’m intrigued about what tricks the creators will pull with the next instalment.]]>

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