Some Really Quick First Impressions: The Leftovers

Sorry for leaving these out but they are not really worthy of a full impression. So I am just tossing down my two cents here.

Seiken Tsukai no World Break – Hoo boy…maybe I spoke too soon about Juuou Mujin no Fafnir being worse than Absolute Duo. Because beside this trash heap it’s at least watchable. Well alright I did laugh heartly when the protagonist was faced with an army and just ran through them holding his sword forward, causing a tidal wave of blood. Plus there was a dragon at the beginning. But while the actual premise could have held potential sadly with it’s idea of people remembering past lives they lived. To see it be used for just setting up a harem and bland superpowers is rather depressing. But if there’s one thing that drags this show into the gutter it’s that pink haired girl. With every sentence she spoke I swear I was overcome with the urge to end her life for the good of humanity. The writing is just embassiously incompetent, even by generic light novel plots. Add in a terrible soundtrack with bad animation and god awful comedy and you got yourself 25 minutes you shall never get back.

Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata – Well I was wondering where the generic fanservice harem of the season was. I stopped myself from doing an impression on this before as it started with a 00 episode and wasn’t the start of the story. I thought it would be fair to judge it on it’s proper first episode. Though I must say that the very first lines of the 00 episode pretty much did my job for me. We have one of the haremettes criticising a harem anime for having too much fanservice and being a waste of time, while in the bath and a showing a ridiculous amount of fanservice. I honestly can’t tell if this is trying to be ironic or is blissfully unaware. Because if it’s the second, then it’s annoying. If it’s the first then it’s even more so. The anime tends to do this strange effect all the time as well where instead of the characters being outlined with black, they are outlined with a random bright colour like pink or light green. It doesn’t seem to be there for any real reason and doesn’t even look good. Now personally I would just toss this into the “Just another harem” pile and think no more on it. But this anime managed to make me angry. Not for being a plain old harem but for trying to pretend it wasn’t one.(And well it’s not as if it pissed me off because the main character was a blogger who covers anime,light novels and video games almost immediately after release. Yeah right, jackass. Doing that when you have three part time jobs?) It puts up a tired cliche and then points out it’s a tired cliche. But you still used a tired cliche, just because you pointed it out as one doesn’t mean that you didn’t still use it. It’s just a poor form of satire to cover your use of an overused trope. The big issue is that long haired writer girl who often plays the part of being a harsh critic. But in the oddest of turns, her criticisms of the main characters idea can be applied to the show itself. Is this show self aware or is the creator oblivious to this? I don’t know but frankly it feels like I am listening to a hypocritic talking about his sophisticated taste in anime when he has his shelves behind him packed with hentai and harems. The main theme they are making this out to be about is the main character gathering a group of girls to make a eroge/visual novel and that the main heroine is a plain girl who doesn’t stand out much.(Or shes supposed to be. She’s not ugly or plain at all.) If you are going to be a harem then be a harem. Don’t try a assume you are presenting something of a higher level.

Shounen Hollywood – Holly Stage for 50 – This may be just a hunch but I think I am not the target market of this anime. And I think now I understand what it must be like to watch a harem from a female perspective. Seriously are these…things supposed to be men? I am not sure if I could talk to them for five minutes without punching them. There designs are also very similar. So much so that I am fairly convinced that two of them look exactly the same. I am sorry guys, I tried but I am really not the kind of person to judge this fairly. I am pretty sure it’s trash but without another perspective I cannot say that for certainty.

Koufuku Graffiti – Cute girls doing cute things…exciting stuff. So seeing as these antics of these girls I don’t find remotely adorable or interesting, I guess the only thing I can judge here is the comedy. And it’s not funny. At all. Really it’s hard to judge a show like this, when there’s nothing to judge. It’s essential a show about a girl who stays with a another girl who cooks good food and eats it with her. That’s it. That’s the entire plot. The only thing I can comment on is the ever so awkwardly suggestive way the cook girl eats food. It’s so shameless.

Isuca – Now this is a truly bad anime. I can honestly tell that anyone working on this did not care at all. And with good reason. This story is the most overdone story in anime. This is the gutter of anime. And it makes it clear right from the start with the main getting flashed by a woman. And oh god it just gets worse from there. From wipe transitions to a lighting beast who can only manage to burn off the clothes of women. Even essentially sexually molesting girls for life force. Just…come on author. I know the industry is hard and you need your paycheck but would a little restraint be too much? Every character is one we seen before. Even the lead is a Rie Kugimiya role that not played by Rie Kugimiya. The animation is bare bones. Just don’t watch it. It’s not worth your time. Not even for the fanservice.

3 thoughts on “Some Really Quick First Impressions: The Leftovers

    1. Maybe when the other writers have time on their hands. Though you do have to take into account that we were not here for most of 2014 so an end of year review from us would be more about the last couple of months of 2014.

      I might put one together using psgels 2013 post as a guide if I have the time. But I am not making any promises.

  1. It would be good as many Anime’s were mentioned in the seasonal previews from 2014 that were not followed up on, or given a review. So I don’t know what your opinion is on them and if they are worth checking out or not.

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