Some Quick First Impressions: Wake Up Girls and ZX Ignition

Wake Up Girls

Short Synopsis: Our lead character needs to find some idols.
I’m late with this. I want to finish these first impressions, but I’m tired. And so, in its infinite wisdom Wake up girls decided to have an hour-long first episode. And it’s an idol series! I am not going to watch this one all the way through, however I do want to say that it’s among the better of its genre. From what I watched of this episode, the focus was on the scouting of these girls. That was pretty interesting, and the girls aren’t as overly moe about their personalities. Obviously it’s still blatantly there, but they aren’t trying to shove it down the viewer’s throats. It actually cares about characterization for once. Now, this is not my kind of series and I know that I won’t have time to watch it, but if you like idol shows then this one isn’t bad to keep up with.
Potential: 60%

ZX Ignition

Short Synopsis: Our lead character fights with supernatural creatures/angels.
Okay, so I was under the impression that this was a kiddie show. Well, not so much, actually. I mean the characters are a lot older (one of the characters is 19… despite looking nothing like it), and it actually was moderately entertaining. The entire episode was told a bit out of chronological order, which also spiced things up. The main character isn’t your typical wimp, which also helps. A lot happened in this episode which either means that this will be a fast-paced series, or they blew most of their ideas in the first episode. However, when you look at the context, this series falls apart a bit. You have monsters fighting each other because… of stuff. The monsters all have these really cheesy names because… of stuff. The main character also is important because this angel fell onto him because… he just happened to be where she happened to fall. This episode didn’t explain anything, and while enough explanations may follow, I saw no hints at any sort of depth whatsoever so far.
ED: Copy paste song, boring as usual.
Potential: 60%

7 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Wake Up Girls and ZX Ignition

  1. I had the impression this was some sort of card-battle Yu-Gi-Oh type. I mean, the picture of it shows 5 highschool students holding cards (while doing the typical corny pose) and 5 mythical type characters. I assumed the mythical thingies were the Yu-Gi-Mons that came out of the cards or something. Was I mistaken?

  2. @Litho Kind of. Monsters invade the world, wreak it, next thing we know, the military/police have those cards that let them capture/release monsters to fight, so obviously the main characters have them because… stuff. I’m sincerely surprised that psgels give it more than 20%

      1. Yeah, something like that, but with more factions: the protagonist city has angel-type creatures as is allied with the “white world”, and is attacked by the “red world” army; also, the classic i’m-your-enemy-now-but-im-cute-and-eventually-being-your-ally girl has a “green world” creature, so I assume that at least must be a blue and a black world to have the full set of stereotypes

  3. I was under the impression, from what people have told me, that Wake Up, Girls was a continuation of a movie that you were supposed to watch first, which also happened to come out on the same day? The movie is only available on Crunchyroll so far, too.

  4. Wow. I haven’t seen anything as brazenly lame as ZX in a while (and that’s counting Lagrange). It almost demands to be watched just to figure out how dumb it’ll get.

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