Some quick first impressions: Yozakura Quartet, Noramimi 2 and Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh

Yozakura Quartet

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a human with superpowers that fights against youkai.
Highlights: Excellent soundtrack.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10
The thing that immediately catches your attention for this series: it’s awesome soundtrack. This series also has a nice sense of style, but I’m not sold on its premise yet. My big problem with this episode was that the powers of these main characters are a bit too uber: in order to give them a challenge, you need to give their opponents even stronger powers, and I’m a bit afraid that it’ll just lose itself in its own superpowers. The bad guys in this episode were decent, but nothing really special. What I did like was these huge wooden pillars that are all over the town. That’s original and has some nice potential.

Noramimi 2

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a mascot who works at a mascot agency, if that makes any sense.
Highlights: Very childish, but charming.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10
If I recall correctly, I dropped the original series not because it was bad, but because I had to drop something. Nevertheless, it’s good to see this series back again, because there definitely are a few things to like about it. The creators know how to write children surprisingly well, and a lot of this series is a nostalgic trip back to the time when we were still children, and the world seemed so simple. But yeah, this series will never become popular. The big problem with it is the following: if it works, it really works: it’s hilarious, charming and fun, much like the first half of this episode: that radish was just SO adorable. However, when it doesn’t work, it really becomes embarrassing to watch. This series has the nasty tendency to be a bit too sentimental and soppy for its own good, and at those times, you really want to turn this thing off as soon as possible.

Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh

Short Synopsis: Is a big manly man who takes control over a country.
Highlights: A very manly series.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 6,5/10
After Noramimi, it’s good to watch such a manly series as this one. Still, I do have to wonder, since this series is based on such a huge franchise, then why didn’t the creators get a hold of a bigger budget? I mean, I’m not asking for much, but when the blood starts to look like ketchup, then you have to wonder what the creators were thinking. In any case, this probably is the first thing I’ve seen of the Hokuto no Ken franchise, and I can understand where its reputation came from. If it wasn’t for that bad animation, then Raoh really would be able to kill his opponents in the most violent ways imaginable. The rest of the episode was decent: nothing bad, but nothing special either. It merely served to set up the story for this series, but at the same time, it didn’t really show me anything that made me want to keep watching. It’s just a bunch of oversized men killing each other. Still, it’s in any case good to finally see a series that’s NOT ABOUT TEENAGERS (or children, in Noramimi’s case).

8 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Yozakura Quartet, Noramimi 2 and Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh

  1. So Yozakura Quartet might actually turn good ?
    it really has an unoriginal feeling to it but I guess I’ll have to watch first

  2. I was disappointed in Yozakura Quartet – I expected it to be more stylish and bold, at least the animation and direction. But the direction has no sense of rhythm so far (I hope this will change) and the animation is mediocre at best (I mean, even the glasses look as if they were painted on the characters’ faces), and the visuals are generic and boring. I’ll give it another chance for the sake of the story, but I’m not holding my breath.

  3. What sold me about Yozakura Quartet was the way it started, with its excellent soundtrack and interesting backstory, but indeed the rest of the episode was a lot less interesting.

  4. uhhhh!!!! now i remenber why i stop reading or stop caring for Yozakura Quartet it gets quite boring or for the sence of word, it gives after a while a sence of bordom, it felt more like a chore keeping up with the manga, but who knows it may have improve since the last time i read it, but i doubt the anime will go that far who knows? lol

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