Some Quick First Impressions: Lotte no Omocha, Hoshizora e Kakaru Hoshi and The World God Only Knows 2

Lotte no Omocha

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a ten year old succubus who needs to find herself a male to suck… wait what?
Well, on the bright side Shinbo actually held himself back: his style for once wasn’t all over the place here and the other creators also got their chance to bring their own style out. Unfortunately though, this still wasn’t very good. A lot of this has to do with Rie Kugimiya who is getting really annoying having to play the umpth tsundere, although at the very least she’s more eloquent here then her previous role in Dragon Crisis. She remains an annoying brat, though and this episode was tedious to sit through because of her. The character designs are also really generic and the music was just stock music as well. There was an actual story, but it moved awfully slow here and a lot of time was just reserved for moe antics that were neither funny nor enjoyable. There is only one character who caught my attention, that purple-haired servant. She at least was interesting to watch and actually seemed to have half a braincel. I probably would have been a lot more positive about this series is if focused on her instead.
OP: I hope that this wasn’t one of those “let’s summarize the plot here in 90 seconds”-OPs, because it really looked like one.
ED: Could have been worse, but still a boring ballad.
Potential: 10%

Hoshizora e Kakaru Hoshi

Short Synopsis: Our lead character meets a lot of cute girls that he can date.
This was actually nearly unwatchable. It’s the kind of hentai game adaptation that pulls every cliche it can think of, puts no creativity whatsoever in its scenario, is horribly produced and does just about everything in its power to make its females as annoying to watch as possible. You really know the drill: the lead character arrives in town as a transfer student, he bumps into a bunch of random girls, accidentally kisses one, then runs naked into the shower in front of another one, and upsets an older woman with big boobs by calling her a middle-aged lady. This is the kind of crap that has been popping up for nearly a decade now. On top of that, though, the voice acting is also horrible. Especially the main female sounds like she lives in a tank full of helium, the male lead’s acting is abysmal whenever he’s embarrassed, his younger brother sounds way too much like a little girl and it has the most annoying white haired girl who does nothing but whine at the male lead. The character designs are also really bad and completely uninspired. There were some hints at a serious story, but I really don’t see this show doing anything good with them with this kind of opening episode.
OP: Anime seriously needs to stop forcing voice actresses who can’t sing to sing in the OP for a show.
ED: Again, very badly sung.
Potential: 0%

The World God Only Knows 2

Short Synopsis: Our lead character needs to kiss certain girls in order to remain alive.
This episode was much of the same as the first season. Which like, really is a bad thing here because the first season already was really hard to sit through. I mean, this obviously wasn’t as bad as Sofuteni or Oretsuba because it really does try to give its characters an interesting story, but TWGOK still is inherently flawed: everything in this series is exactly like the games that Keima plays. The characters are all one-sided with a twist, they all immediately fall in love with the main character, and they all don’t amount to much beyond their quirks. And of course, you don’t become good at martial arts by learning the basics, but by cleaning the floor, if a cool person enters the classroom everyone suddenly gets quiet and gazes in a awe, and the female lead is incredibly klutzy, whiny and annoying (no, that also didn’t change, unfortunately). This show fails at what it is trying to do here by having no real difference between games and reality, and even now there still is no hint whatsoever that this is going to change!
OP: The classic case of “oh, the first OP was really good, so let’s make another version like it that tries too hard and ruins itself.
ED: Boring J-pop, but granted: it is better than the first ED.
Potential: 30%

11 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Lotte no Omocha, Hoshizora e Kakaru Hoshi and The World God Only Knows 2

  1. Well, with some luck I think the Aqua Arc in Kaminomi will be good. belive is the next, correct me if I am mistaken.

  2. I know you have alot of good points about TWGOK2. but i still find it really enjoyable. since im a experienced gamer i find the male leads character amusing. He’s the main reason i’ll enjoy the show. i also find the intro to be cool, not sure if its as good as the first but i know i like it. i see the similarities in intros as apart of the main leads theme.

  3. Lol, the OP for 2gawk was a nice “reboot” of the old Engrish. Tally-ho, mateys. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!gh

    Lotte was a heck of a lot better than I could have possibly imagined. Lotte was played by the Shana girl? Huh! Now that I look back on it it’s kind of obvious, but wow, what a far cry from ye olde ryrujiryuji. I also agree that the design isn’t too far from decency to become maddening.

    Why is it that something about the character designs (the main guy and psgel’s favorite blue-hair) remind me of last season’s Madoka?

  4. Ah, Hoshizora. A nice show, if the girls were edited out. Yep. Or at least the kiss and shower scenes. And panties. What the fudge is afoot here, laddies? I say! Nothing posh about this one, hoho!

    The monkey is my favorite character. He was certainly the most powerful and convincing — his growth was natural and not at all forced, but rather forged from his own bravery. His emotions were well portrayed, be it fear or cunning or impetuousness, and he was left alone after his provocative role concluded without being overplayed. It is left to the audience to wrap up his development — he is clearly shown to have matured as a monkey, having learned from his mistaken shenanigans and experienced both the fear of prolonged pursuit and the bittersweet melancholy following his pursuer’s fall from grace. The drama was at its peak here.

  5. I don’t understand why did you quoted Shinbo on your Lotte no Omocha review.
    He’s not involved on the production of it. Despite being the type of anime he would like to do.

  6. Mattheus: actually, he is. He’s listed as the “Series comoposition cooperation”, which really sounds about as vague as the other positions he holds.

  7. Admittedly, Lotte had a slow pacing but it made a strong introduction compared to the manga version, that’s why I was impressed.

  8. The manga in TWGOK actualy gotten much better and realistic in the newest and the best arc, the Goddess Arc….wish they would make another season for this Arc…

  9. You might like the Haqua arc (“Else finally does something” arc), which is finally starting.

    I’m pretty sure you’ll like the Chihiro arc (the “ordinary girl” arc).

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