Some Quick First Impressions: Natsume Yuujin-Chou Shi, Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 and Rinne no Lagrange

Natsume Yuujin-Chou Shi

Short Synopsis: Our lead character can see youkai.
Usually the best of a season is aired last. This time, it’s completely different when the first three series are the big original series, the best comedy, and what’s likely going to be the best overall series for the next three months. Seriously, I can not imagine the rest of the season to live up to these three shows at all; perhaps only Rinne no Lagrange will get trumped. In any case, this was another very solid story for Natsume Yuujinchou. As opposed to the other seasons, it immediately starts off with an arc. And compared to the other first episodes of the arcs we’ve seen so far, it really holds up. This episode was both heart-warming as tense as a cat and mouse game between Natsume and what looks to be the series’ villain Matoba. Nyanko-sensei was as delightful as ever, the animation was also as rock-solid as usual. Now let’s hope that the series will capture the same heights as the third series.
OP: Very clever little op, completely dedicated to character development. The song could have been better, though.
ED: In the same style as the previous ED, with some nice animation and a gentle song.
Potential: 95%

Tantai Opera Milky Holmes 2

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a detective. Or at least she’s supposed to be one.
Oh my god. What the hell did I just watch here? You see, comedy sequels are very hard to do. Most of the times, the sequel is the point where the jokes get stale, overused, and there the creators get too scared to deviate from the formula that made the first season successful. Milky Holmes does not have that problem. Oh no. This episode was actually different from the first season. The creators definitely went into a slightly different direction. I mean, the first season wrapped up pretty conclusively, so the creators had to go for something different. I did not expect that “something different” to mean complete madness. Seriously, this show has turned into an extreme self-parody. This entire episode made the entire first season look completely ridiculous. This only was the first episode of the year, but already I cannot imagine any other show this year to have a DUMBER cast than this here. It was crazy beyond belief. And it was utterly hilarious. Also, what the heck is Artland doing here?
OP: Really, really bad.
ED: Really, really bad.
Potential: 90%

Rinne no Lagrange

Short Synopsis: Our lead character gets to pilot a mecha.
Happy new year, everyone! And so the Winter Season of 2012 starts, and it already does so with the original production of the season. Because of this, it was one of my most anticipated non-sequels for the upcoming start of the new season, despite the obvious problems. The obvious problems here are the fanservice, and indeed this episode had quite a bit of the pointless variation, from some of the outfits to the lead character running around in a swimsuit. Overall though, it definitely has promise, and in particular the direction of this episode was good. This show knows how to deliver tense mecha-battles, and the acting too is quite well delivered. Madoka as a lead character so far has her pluses and minuses. I like how she is a strong female character who is confident and gets along quite easy with others. On the other hand though, the creators also made her just too perfect: she excels at everything, whether it’s kendo, acting, sports or anything else it seems, and she manages to pilot the big mecha of the show like it’s nothing. The creators had better provide an explanation of why 1) she’s able to do that, and 2) she somehow is the only one who is fit to pilot an alien craft.
OP: Quite a standard set for the visuals for the rest of the year. The song is generic, but the use of colours and textures is excellent here.
ED: Dull song, but neat visual ideas.
Potential: 75%

19 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Natsume Yuujin-Chou Shi, Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 and Rinne no Lagrange

  1. Happy New Year for you! Congratulations for the recent changes in the site, I hope it keeps getting better in 2012

  2. Lagrange: You ask why lead character can do everything so great. My theory is she has some sort of alien tattoo on her ass. At least I’m assuming *that scene* had some significance. Probably only the one with the legendary tramp stamp can pilot the robot.

  3. I can’t wait for Milky Holmes 2nd Act to get subbed. I just watched the summer special and Artland was there too. Lol.

    I’m surprised that you weren’t as harsh on Rinne no Lagrange as several other people. I agree with you though. It’s a really likable anime. Madoka is an enjoyable spunky, independent character, while Lan has more personality (already!) than your average emotionless girl. I’m looking forward to see how everything plays out because Lagrange has potential.

    German suplex’n Mechs!

  4. I am really intrigued about the development of Milky Holmes into a complete parody. Since it is an adaption, was the source material like this or is this the work of JC Staff?

  5. The anime is a very loose adaptation of the game. The anime itself is a huge parody of it’s original game. Milky Holmes in the game are smart enough to solve complex crime. The ones in the anime are complete idiots. I prefer the dumb version though.

  6. The only real fault with Rinne no Lagrange is that it’s so far been by the book mecha anime. I got a small hope that it could turn into a darker storyline but even if that does,’t happen this could be quite enjoyable.
    Just one thing though. Madoka? They just had to choose Madoka for the main characters name. It’s too damn obvious why they chose that name.

    1. Yea I thought that name was a lame attempt to cash in on that other show’s hype. Otherwise a decent kickoff without the generic Yuji Average as the lead. But my expectations were low to begin with.

  7. Really can’t wait for the 2nd Season of Milky Holmes. I was lovestruck when I saw that moe parody of the detective genre. It’s crazy and it’s fun!

  8. I ended up watching Lagrange anyway. I find it really interesting — The premise, the OP song, and some characters were good. However, I don’t like the writing in the series

  9. Never really understood trying to judge things by the first episode. I’d rather wait and see what gets subbed, what sucks, etc. My backlog’s a lot bigger than yours though.

  10. I loved Natsume Yuujin chou shi!
    The story in the OP was so heartwarming, I loved chibi Natsume. If only they’d put it with a better song. It deserved a better song.

    So many great moments in the first episode.

    1. The part where his friend says that he has nightmares about Natsume being eaten and understands why he doesn’t want to tell anyone.

    2.That Natsume is relying on his friends more.

    3. That bit when Natsume smiles when Nyanko sensei tells him off, and then gets slapped, and that tiny cat paw on his cheek [so precious!]

    4. Matoba! esp since he’s voiced by Junichi Suwabe. He’s a great villain and the tension def ratcheted up when he was on the screen.

    <3 <3 <3

  11. I really liked the first ep of this new Natsume season. Tanoma’s little explanation for Natsume’s reluctance to tell anyone about yokai was rather touching, and I’m excited that we’re getting more Matoba so soon.
    And an arc right off the bat! I’m really curious to see what happens next.

  12. I have a feeling the more people blog Lagrange, the more people will watch it. It’s just that kind of show. Call it the “Lagrange multiplier” if you will.

    I’ll demand $5 if characters named Joseph and Loius show up.

  13. I had the opportunity to watch Moretsu Pirates before this, making that show the benchmark upon which I evaluated Rinne. Digging the strong female characters (I probably wouldn’t watch either show if the lead was a guy), but definitely noticed the more overt fanservice (dropping your skirt in the first minute…sheesh!).

    Unlike Pirates, which took its time in the first episode, Rinne puts its heroine right in the control chair of the mecha to do battle with an arrogant foe who underestimates her. It will be fun to see if she continues to projects her swimming/kendo/tennis/baseball skills to Vox.

    An aside: the scene of the Demetrian warship passing over the moon en route to Earth was gorgeous, even lyrical…unfortunately marred by a really jarring network crawl. That the Demetrian crew members weren’t impressed in the least with the awesome vista before them was a good establishment of their arrogance. Lots of Gundam undertones there.

  14. I’ve got nothing against any of these shows so far. I still don’t understand the source of Milky Holmes’ “appeal”, but it’s a trainwreck I can’t help but keep watching in confused good humor. It’s the type of utterly bizarre “shouldn’t work but does” thing you’d see in Excel Saga, except somehow less consistently annoying.

    Lagrange is about as good as I could have expected from something being labelled a “tropefest”. It seems to own the cliches and know what it’s doing, though the “ehhhhs” and fanservice were a bit discordant with the rather understated mood they built. It seems deliberate, like it might actually have a plan or something.

    And Natsume.. well, the first two eps were really damn nice. I can see spot the seams and contrivances but I just don’t care. Matoba is a great counterpart to Natsume, and it’ll be nice to see Natsume deal with something that isn’t dealt with simply by some ethereal flash of light from Nyanko-sensei or by blowing into a piece of paper.

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