Some quick first Impressions: Princess Lover, Kanamemo and GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class

Princess Lover

Short Synopsis: Our lead character… wait, can’t you guess by the title?
Chance of me Blogging: 0% (No way in hell)
I mean, with a title as Princess Lover, is there anything else you can expect from this series? This premise is so blatantly obvious, it definitely has been the worst show of this new season for me. We have this guy whose father and busty mother get killed, he then manages to save a busty princess with the most pathetic security team ever, he also gets picked as the heir of a rich businessman with a busty maid and gets engaged to a busty noblewoman who is also a tsundere and excellent at sword-fighting. Granted, this series has a big budget, but aside from that it’s just another one of those harems with every cliché possible thrown into it, it’s full of jiggling breasts and the creators also couldn’t resist to throw in some of the most overused boob-jokes. There hardly is anything original or creative, and it just feels like just another Zero no Tsukaima. This is SO not my kind of series.


Short Synopsis: Our lead character loses her grandmother and starts working at a newspaper store.
Chance of me Blogging: 0% (No way in hell)
Ah, I guess that this is where the bad shows this season went to. At first sight it may seem like an interesting premise for a slice of life show: a bunch of girls working at a newspaper store, just living their lives and bringing around newspapers for their daily jobs. Unfortunately, the execution sucks; in the end it turned into just another generic and badly written series with too much moe. The big problem with this series is something that Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou managed to avoid so well: it’s too forced. The creators striked me as if they were really desperate to be funny, so they threw in just about every joke they could think of. This leads to a couple of amusing situations, but mostly just forced jokes that were taken from other series and just aren’t funny, like the drunk girl who keeps groping everyone, or the klutzy girl who keeps crashing into everyone, or the shoujo ai, and let’s not forget the six year old girl who somehow is more mature than all of the other characters combined. If you’re one of those people who hates moe with passion, then stay faaaaar away from this one. If you have no problems with moe… then there are still much better series this season.

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class

Short Synopsis: Our lead character follows art design classes.
Chance of me Blogging: 0% (Not in this season)
There really is lots of moe this season; in fact, every series has had it so far. Still, in this case I don’t really mind: the previous seasons have already shown us a wide variety of mature series, and the series this season are a welcome change of pace, and surprisingly good at times as well. Just do expect me to start whining when this trend continues in the upcoming Fall season… In any case GA is another one of those moe slice of life shows, but thankfully unlike Kanamemo it’s really enjoyable. It’s actually a series that hits quite close to home for me, because this series discusses the power of signs, which happened to also be a subject that I followed in a Visual Design class that I followed about half a year ago. Aside from that though, this series stands out in its creativity: there’s always something going on that doesn’t feel copied from every other moe series (not even Hidamari Sketch, which also was about art students). Out of all the series that premiered during this season, this one made me laugh the most due to a few priceless scenes. My only problem with this series is that silent blue-haired girl: her voice-actress feels like a bit of a one-trick pony. I feel like I’ve heard the exact same voice in fifty other shows, with the EXACT SAME personality. That really gets boring after a while.
Edit: ah, the director of Les Miserables, Cromartie High School, Kodomo no Omocha and Digi Charat. This guy is a true eccentric that can really take the best out of this series

22 thoughts on “Some quick first Impressions: Princess Lover, Kanamemo and GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class

  1. Ah, definitely two crap animes from the time I saw it in the summer list. It makes the spring sunnier eh?

    Right now, I’m totally following Canaan and Umineko(with a hope that they won’t over-fast forward it again :p) along with the spring’s goodies that are Pandora Hearts and Fullmetal (Shangri-la and others will come when the dvds out around here…)

  2. Good to know there’s still bad shows out there, too. I was expecting Kanamemo to be half decent, shame it’s not. Hopefully GA Design Class will be a little better, I could use a slice of life show. As for Princess Lover, kind of saw that one coming.

    I’m still watching FMAB, Cross Game, DB Kai, Phantom, Souten Kouro and Haruhi from the Spring Season. Couldn’t stand Pandora’s Hearts.

  3. @tealovertoma

    Looking at Princess Lover’s promotional poster, you can half guess that it’ll be a hentai and harem series ^ ^; I’m kinda looko\ing forwrad for GA Design since it’s something about art so there might be some useful stuffs for me xD

    DB is never my stuff (my teacher was kinda hyped bout it…) I’ll wait for DVDs as for Phantom and Souten Kouro (I’m a Three Kingdom fan, especially Zhuge Liang xD)

    *sigh* Okay, I’m not saying that PH is the best of spring but I don’t think it’s the worst after the craps of some spring series there… May I know what bug you about PH? Not the animation, i hope. Some series lately have taught us that pretty animation is never everything…

  4. Usefull stuff for you? Are you on a design course as well? Yeah, I am, but I’m not really expecting them to go in-depth on, well, anything in the show, really.

    As for DB Kai, purely watching that for old time’s sake – by all means it’s lacking a good story or character development and it’s a mediocre anime.

    PH felt a bit too standard. Typical shounen fare. I liked the messed up girl in the Alice In Wonderland-like inspired world (I certainly have a type :P), but she wasn’t promiment enough – didn’t like the other characters and didn’t really see a whole lot of potential in other areas (storyline, originality). It was by no means bad, overall just felt like a mediocre show to me. With so many great shows out there from the past few years, I’d rather be watching those.

  5. @tealovertoma

    Not exactly, I’m just a nw highschool student LOL But art is my interest so, yeah. It would nice if they go in depth though.

    I can’t stand anime that goes forever… DB is understandable but Naruto and Bleach seem to go in nowhereness… One Piece is incredibly long too and for the worst, it hasn’t even reached half of the plot

    Mediocre eh? Oh well, human variation, can’t expect everyone to love the same thing at once, yes? But if you want a messed-up girl, well.. at least three, ah wait, two to be exact. They should come out veeeeery soon (one might come in about two episode s or three then the other one will be near the end, I guess…I hope) But yeah, it depends on how much Xebec change stuffs…

    By the way, may I refer you as just tea or toma whenever I want to reply something to you?

  6. James will do. No, that’s not really my name. I don’t really care – in fact, don’t even like my nickname, need a new one.

    Sorry for the off-topic post.

  7. Well, personally I love Pandora Hearts manga and anime even though the anime version of it does not always capture the feeling I had in the manga due to the animation but other than that, I felt it was really nice. What is it about Pandora Hearts that’s bothering you anyway? I don’t considered it a crap show at all unless your reason is due to the animation…

    Anyway, I actually enjoyed Princess Lover! The only thing I did not really like was just how huge their chests were. Other than that, I enjoyed it.

  8. For me, personally? I’ve been wanting to watch Dennou Coil, Eureka Seven, Mononoke, Haibane Renmei, Gankutsou, Higurashi, Paranoia Agent, Noein, Natsume Yuujinchou… the list goes on forever. I’m not trying to diss Pandora Hearts, what your “tone” seems to be implying, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

  9. That was to answer Essedus’ question, of course.

    @ Silver: I might actually check Princess Lover out, what did you like about it? Wasn’t it just aimed at the ecchi market?

  10. Ohh…I thought you meant better shows THIS season. Yeah, there are plenty of better anime out there.

  11. @tealovertoma

    Well, I liked Princess Lover because of the atmosphere as well as the way they set up which seems really smooth. Not only that, this is the studio’s first series and they have done a pretty good job with the animation and choice of music. Hopefully this will continue into future episodes unlike Akane iro.

  12. I expected the first two series to be really horrible, and you just confirmed it. Thank you~

    As for the third one . . . I’m not very sure if it’s the type I won’t appreciate. I’ll wait for subs~

  13. I really was curious to here your thoughs on GA,the director is the same as “les miserable” and the series composition was done by the guy who did “lucky star” lol

  14. OHo, thank goodness GA isn’t THAT horrible in your opinion I think I’ll wait for the subs. PH is tolerable as I’ve read the manga but… no, my poor Japanese xD

  15. I just watched Princess Lover! and I think it did a good job with regards to the animation. It definitely was not half bad and I think the execution was OK. The plot, however, is another story. Might check out an episode or two if it gets better or not.

    Kanamemo was definitely crap. I will usually have an eyebrow up if a loli comes around. And two of them! My god! How can they put two in there!!!

  16. Wow I was surprised to find that Princess Lover wasn’t awful. It was barely ecchi (3 on a scale of 10 max), they had some vaguely interesting characters and a nicely choreographed fight scene. Sure, the main character’s bit standard but it had a nice pace.

    With all the great anime out there I honestly doubt I’ll even get to see the second episode, but for now colour me pleasantly surprised.

  17. As for Kanamemo… it was kind of subpar. Not actually bad, there’s just nothing special about it. I quite like Slice Of Life shows and I want to pick another one up this season (probably picking GA Design and Taishou Yakyuu over this though) so I’ll check out another episode.
    The bad stuff is mostly the forced ecchiness and the yuri couple. I don’t particularly care for the obvious “moe moe~” but it’s not really annoying either.

    Newspaper store is an interesting setting, who knows if they actually do something decent with it. Animation’s fine, voice acting’s okay.

    If you’re into slice of life, especially pointless kinds like Lucky Star, ignore Psgel’s advice to “stay faaaar away from it” but give the first episode a go. It’s okay.

  18. I agree with Psgels when he said its humour was a bit forced. Sometimes it was just not funny to begin with. Kanamamo is your average low quality moe-fanservice ensemble and you cannot expect anything both good or bad from it.

    But Princess Lover, is all another matter. I watched the first two episodes yesterday and i didn’t find it horrible. Its graphics and animation are good (xcept the breasts ¬_¬”). The plot and premises aren’t original, but there’s still space for twists and developement. I’d give it a try, after all (and you know how much strict is my judgement).

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