Some Quick First Impressions: Pokemon XY

Pokemon XY

Short Synopsis: Our lead character wants to catch them all. Still.
Okay, so the ingredients for the new pokemon series: an inventor kid, a young girl who barely looks even eight, lots of cute new pokemon and big mega evolutions, and a brainwashing Team Rocket. Unfortunately I have to say that the originality is lacking here, but it’s Pokemon so I guess it can’t be helped. There are only two parts that are really bad: that one kid’s backpack, which is pretty much set up to be a plot device that can become anything the creators want whenever they write themselves into a corner, and the fact that Team Rocket brainwashes now, and it’s the cheap kind of brainwashing. This is something that personally annoys me, because brainwashing overwrites any kind of development a character may have by just blaming it on the brainwashing. Beyond that, Ash still is annoying, Team Rocket still is obnoxious, but the huge variety of pokemon is what sets this show apart. That alone gives this show a variety that all other kids’ shows lack. The animation was also pretty good for this series’ standards (the character designs look much better than with Black/White). Also this is the first time I noticed this, but the music here was pretty good.
OP: Really not bad for a this series.
ED: Oh god this is awesome
Potential: 40%

7 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Pokemon XY

  1. I just Team Rocket wasn’t there… What they did right in the beginning of the BW anime was, that they just threw Team Rocket away for some Episodes and it was a change toward the better since those episodes could entirely focus on Character development (not necissary of the main characters…ash never really develops, which is sad) and the sort-of-slice-of-life. Later in the Series Team Rocket came back and everything, they did better this time, fell apart yet again. BW Season2 was really…bad. Even though the ingredients were right in the beginning of BW with new companions and less focus on beating the shit out of Team Rocket every Episode. I just wished they’d come back to this in XY…which they didn’t. Yet again Pokemon will be only smashing Team Rocket every episode… I hate that. I just wish they would have scrapped them after DP. Team Rocket is shit. It kills the show. Since BW I know they CAN do good episodes, heck, even DP had some really good episodes (in those Team Rocket was blown away right at the beginning sometimes) why, just, why won’t they kill this shit Team already? Oh, and the same with Ash. But he’s far better than Team Rocket. Yeah, he has a brain rollback at the start of every season, which is annoying, but he can…at least sometimes…be a good character if used right.
    Oh well.
    Why am I even complaining. I’ll watch it anyway…

  2. “Our lead character wants to catch them all. Still.”

    Pity they multiply by 2 every time he gets close. At this point we could compare Ash to Sisyphus. Forever rolling that boulder up a hill…only for it to roll right back down again.

  3. Ash Ketchum will never catch them all because he never catches legendaries, he never wins any Elite Four battles “That Count” and he never won but one league and that was an accident!! He is still 10 years old so how can you possible develop if you don’t grow up!!! and every time he goes to a new region he forgets everything he’s every learned about Pokemon Battles!! He never keeps fully evolved pokemon for very long he sends them to Professor Oak or he lets them go!! I grew up with this show but it never grew up with me so finally after BW2 i let me childhood memories go and let this show entertain the k-9 ages its intended for. If you wanna see ASH …oops I mean Red stand as a Pokemon master you may just wanna play HeartGold/SoulSilver the game.

  4. Well folks, I will be truly honest with you I have seen 5 episodes as of yet (5th being subbed) and I’m pretty impressed. Look dude if you don’t like childish comedy, then why watch a cartoon? My point is, those who want an over-all heated atmosphere and intensity should turn-off the tv, though I fully believe that the protagonist(ash) being insane at all time was a pretty damn thing they did in best wishes series. I was like okay with but since ash lost to Trip in goddammit first battle that simply turned me off, and also the easiness with which ash acquired all his badges. Falling from the top 4(in the Sinnoh League) to top 8 was awful enough, there was no intensity that there should be in a league battle, also using only the Kalos pokemon was not appreciable. I lost interest after the Reshiram thing ended, for me that was the only cool thing in the 16th season apart from Chariard being back. I lost complete interest in pokemon after seeing how Ash has become weaker and also, this is big, he stops using things he has learnt in the past, like the counter-shield. So i read a review or two about XY series and some said it was good, so I tries my luck, and guys I request you to watch it. Yes it’s what you expect fro a trainer with so much experience. I’ll provide some quick pointers, firstly, ash looks a bit mature, though he goofs up easily, there is some sense in him, secondly, wen he rescues Garchomp it really showed that how much he has learnt from his journeys so far, also the fact he communicates with pokemon as he should be after all this time, he understands the stranger pokemon too. Finally, the visualization has been improved, the battling his quick with all kinds of effects that new kids would watch in movies or in action anime.
    I am pleased that the Pokemon Company has learnt from its best wishes series and are now right on the track, also they brought back the first theme song(“I wanna be the very best…”), but I am afraid there horrendous blunders in the best wishes series, portraying ash as kinda rookie, has cost them a lot of fans that have been following them from the start. For those who want to get back on pokemon but are irked from the best wishes I do suggest you to watch first 2 episodes of XY series and continue if your faith is re-assured and you are happy to see a mature Ash, and also a respected protagonist, yes he gets some respect here unlike the best wishes were he lost to rookies in a league. Have fun guys, thank you!

    I think Satoshi wasn’t annoying. In fact he’s the least of our worries. I thought for sure we would see more Corni but I guess not.

    No, it is Eureka that is truly annoying. Why? b/c she keeps trying to marry her brother to almost all the females in the series; accurses- and that makes me feel that her brother is annoying too, but only b/c of that brat.
    At least she didn’;t try pairing up Corni or Serena.

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