Short Synopsis: Our lead character meets a strange fairy who’s going to help her overcome the problems in her family.
Potential for the Future: 2/10 (Could be a serviceable comedy, but nothing more)
Okay, so I used to do my first impressions in batches of three, but I’ve now reached the point at which this system has lead to just too many problems, so for the upcoming Fall Season I’m going to do it in a different way, and even though we’re not even halfway through the Summer Season, Ontama’s first episode that just got released sounds like a good way to experiment. My idea is to just basically create a single post for every new show that airs. Obviously, the potential problem with this system is that it’s going to lead to waves of posts during each season, so let me know when the amount of posts becomes just too big. I’ve also stopped rating these episodes, and instead I’ll just be looking at the potential they create: there are plenty of awesome series with dull first episodes, and in the same way there are also a lot of series with great first episodes that only dull in afterwards.
Anyway, Ontama is a rather childish show about a girl whose original parents are divorced and her mother remarried to a guy who’s rather nasty towards her. So she meets a fairy (this time in the form of a stuffed bear) who takes her back to right before she was born so that she could meet her real father. I must say that I’m surprised at the creativity of this scenario and there are some nice ideas, but the presentation is just mediocre in every way. There are some moderately funny jokes, but the lead character is just too stereotypically hyperactive and will probably get annoying very soon. The animal side-kick of this show also listens to every stereotype and doesn’t have anything original to it, and this episode was also full of nude jokes. You might like this if you like energetic yet brainless series, but other than that I don’t see much money in it.]]>
The last system you had was fine, the post just needed to re-appear at the top again whenever a new anime was added – you could do that, just move the newest of the three series to the top of the post so we can tell there’s a change – maybe date them individually.
Also, although you do “Quick First Impressions”, don’t be forced to actually keep them short – you should feel free to put down as many thoughts as you have on a new series. Sometimes it feels you limit yourself on what you could say when you don’t need to.
Also, I liked it when you used your episodic posts to explain why you were not blogging particular shows – it was more insightful than just announcing what you were blogging instead.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Fall line-up.
Perhaps you can put all the new shows that premier in the same day in 1 post. That make sense to me.
Although I have no idea how new anime comes out in Japan.