Some quick first impressions: Nyoron Churuya-san, Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu and Kodomo no Jikan Ni Gakki

Nyoron Churuya-san

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a silly spin-off of a character from a certain Kyoani show.
Chance of me Blogging: -20% (Uh… yeah)
I seriously don’t know what to write here. What was the point of this thing? Why was it made? I obviously didn’t get it because I’m not a fan of Haruhi, but do even its fans consider this something worthwhile? This whole episode was just a string of very, very, very dry jokes, that will probably work when you’re watching them with a bunch of very drunk friends (being drunk yourself helps too), but apart from that… yeah.

Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a silly spin-off of another character from a certain Kyoani show.
Chance of me Blogging: -40% (Uh… yeah)
Well, I’d like to thank this series from giving me a headache that’s probably going to last for a few more hours or so… At least Nyoro had some entertainment value because of the deadpan humour, but this thing was just terrible. The comedic timing was way off, the voice acting was terrible and the CG was horrible, aside from perhaps the giant electric monster. I can understand how you’d want to give a series a little extra, but DOESN’T THIS SERIES ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH OF THAT!?

Kodomo no Jikan Ni-Gakki

Short Synopsis: Our lead character continues to harass her teacher.
Chance of me Blogging: 0% (Nice show, but no)
Okay, so the pointless fanservice is really getting more extreme now that this series has taken up the OVA format. While some of the fanservice was there to make a point, some other scenes were just… pointlessly disturbing to say the least. Still, I’m glad to see that this series hasn’t forgotten yet what made the first season enjoyable, and it continues with the Teacher vs. Student themes and does a pretty good job at it. Rin as the class president has potential, and some of the jokes worked pretty well. Especially that very strange ED was kindof interesting. 😛

11 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Nyoron Churuya-san, Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu and Kodomo no Jikan Ni Gakki

  1. nyoron is based on a 4-koma that became rather popular. i mostly like the fan-made spin-offs that are based on other anime better, but the original is great too. i like screwed up humor like that.

  2. I AGREE!! Suzumiya Haruhi DOES NOT NEED A FLIPPING GOD DURNED SEQUEL!!! WHy won’t these people realize that this show IS NOT GETTING A SECOND SEASON!!! For crying out loud I’m tired of it!! You’re lucky I’m not a fan of this show.

  3. “WHy won’t these people realize that this show IS NOT GETTING A SECOND SEASON!!!”

    … you’re kidding, right? Do you have any idea how much money KyoAni is making with the Haruhi franchise? Plus a sequel has already been confirmed with official teasers – it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

  4. I’m aware of the rerun and the hype that surrounded the possibility of Haruhi season 2 this spring; not gonna happen. I’m refering to the teasers released many months ago, the disappearing of the website, etc. I’m not saying a new Haruhi season will be released this year, I’m just saying it’s going to happen eventually. Please note that I’m not one of those blind fanboys (god they’re annoying) that go all “OMG U LIE WE GET HARUHI SOON”, I just know KyoAni is going to milk the franchise a whole lot more.

    Still not convinced? Anyone wanna bet? I could use some money =]

  5. What ever happened to “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it!”? I thought this was common sense. Actually, there will be a second season of Haruhi, just after a couple of Kannon remakes and Citizen Kane 2.

  6. ” “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it!””

    But how can you know you don’t like something if you havn’t watched it first ?

  7. I’m a Haruhi fan, and I’m greatly looking forward to both of these shows. And somehow, the seething hatred for them that I’m seeing in the first-episode reviews and in these comments just makes me MORE interested in them. (:


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