Nodame Cantabile
This is another one of those anime that was highly anticipated. It didn’t really impress me, though. Okay, it’s a nice series, though it didn’t really grab my attention like shows as Deltora Quest and Master of Epic did. It’s basically a love story between two polar opposites. At certain points, it had some nice comedy, though most of this first episode felt annoying to me. Still, I’m going to watch at least a few more episodes before I dismiss this, seeing as it does have potential.
Venus Versus Virus
Ooh, this one turned out quite interesting. I was expecting another one of these standard shounen-fighting anime, though this anime added quite a few bunch of interesting elements. I really like the main character, especially her alter ego. I’m also glad to see that the fights actually revolve around strategy, and not just on who is the strongest. It could have been better indeed, though for now I’m happy. I’m also quite interested when the yuri-elements in will show up. The two main characters make a good couple. I also loved how Shimire tried to lure out the virus by poking a random tree with a small stick. ^^
Getsumen to Heiki Mina
It’s indeed as I though, this show is full of fanservice. Still, I’m glad that this show has a good sense of humour. That really managed to save it. This show has absolutely nothing new, but it’s fairly well executed. Still, it’s far too early to call this one amazing, and I think this will always remain “just an enjoyable show”. It’s basically a mahou shoujo, featuring a high-school girl who can transform into a bunny-girl with a bunch of carrots sticking out of her ***. I’m also not too happy about how her powers are introduced. While most mahou shoujo have learned from the older ones and give their main character at least a good reason to start working as a mahou shoujo, what Getsumen to Heiki Mina basically does is: Random cute pet: “Yeah, hello, we’ve got a giant monster here, destroying a bunch of things. Here’s a bit of power and a cute suit, now go whack it up.” Mina: “Okay!”]]>
I enjoyed all three of these. Nodame was very funny and the voice acting pure delight even though I didn’t like Chiaki but he’s meant to be unlikeable at first (so that’s okay). VVV was pretty exciting, if nothing new, but what it did it did very well and that’ll keep me watching. Mina was completely nuts and hilarious throughout and will watch it till the end for the craziness and bunny girls.
Regarding Deltora Quest I thought the second episode was much better, it created a wonderful atmosphere within the forest and Jasmine was everything I hoped she’d be.
Nodame is the series that replaced Honey and Clover when the latter concluded, so I think it might be my cup of tea considering Honey and Clover is one of my most favorite Animes of ALL TIME.
You cannot believe how much it made me think about my own life, and it has actually changed the way I think about my life goals, that’s how grounded and true to life it was. I had never watched a slice of life before, but heck if they’re all close to this, I think I should continue to watch more of the same.
If you ever want to review an old, yet new anime I’d suggest H&C…maybe you’ll enjoy it as much as I have. And I’d like to know what you think of it.