Some Quick First Impressions: Moshidora


Short Synopsis: Our lead character enlists as the local school baseball team manager.
Here’s the weird thing about Moshidora, besides its premise: most series try to stand out with their first episodes. They really try to catch the audience’s attention. Moshidora doesn’t do that in the slightest. This episode was mundane, the budget was the minimum of what would be tolerable, and there are no attempts made to make the setting seem any more exciting than it already is. It’s clear that this show has hardly any production values and there are a lot of still frames all around For the most part of this episode I just kept wondering whether anything was actually going to happen. And yet, this series is definitely not bad. This show knows how to write characters, it knows how to stay away from making them pure stereotypes, and despite being slow-paced, it’s not wasting time either. This first episode explored the different characters, it took a look at the baseball club’s history, and it introduced the principles of Drucker’s management book neatly. These characters are not bad, and I’d much rather see Trans Arts put focus on their writing insttead of their animation.
OP: Quite dull
Potential: 60%

11 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Moshidora

  1. I can’t wait for a translation to appear! This is one of my top three most anticipated titles. I’m so glad it is actually airing, though. The rumors about it being delayed indefinitely were starting to worry me.

  2. “it’s clear that this show has hardly any production value”

    I never thought I’d hear that about a production IG show,I’m a bit chocked.

    I thought they’d try to look good considering this is the first anime on nhk in like 5 years.

  3. totoum: well, actually this is more of a trans arts series than a typial production IG series. It’s got Trans Arts’ main director on it.

    epyion: ah, now I at least understand how they came up with such a weird premise. 😛

  4. Neither IG nor Trans Arts are responsible for the low budget though. That’s an NHK thing.

    They work with what they have.

  5. @epyion Actually that book was not written by Drucker himself, though obviously it was inspired by his theories. It was actually written by Natsumi Iwasaki and is the source material for the anime.

  6. For one thing, that would certainly be a pro resume builder:
    “I managed to lead my high school team to the nationals using Druckers.”
    Which econ program won’t take a student like that?

  7. @Taara — yeah, I just read that a few minutes ago, my bad. looks like its time to edit the wikipedia article i got that info off of!

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