Some Quick First Impressions: Joshiraku and Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!


Short Synopsis: Our lead character talks a lot.
Joshiraku: put a bunch of girls into a room and have them talk to each other non-stop about random stuff. I can be very quick about these types of series: I don’t like them. This episode could not hold my attention at all, and this episode just didn’t go anywhere. It was all too static compared to the slice of life series that I do like, like Moyashimon and Poyopoyo in which everyone’s moving around. I will have to give it to this series though: the actual dialogue wasn’t the worst. Compared to your average Shaft or Silver-Link series it was focused and it actually did bother to throw in some characterization and interesting traits of the lead females and as expected from the original writer of Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei, it did play cleverly with language. If you enjoy this genre then Johiraku is something you should check out. If not though, then stay far away, because this isn’t going to make you see the light.
OP: The random images work, but the song itself is boring.
ED: Obviously is trying really hard to be catchy
Potential: 40%

Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!

Short Synopsis: Our lead character has a sister.
The three worst things to base your anime on: porn, incest and turning famous historical figures into girls. This season has managed to produce a series for each of those. “There is a sister among us” is the first of this bunch, and like expected, it is insultingly bad, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this would end up as the single worst series of the entire season. This wasn’t necessarily because of the incest though: that part of the series is so bad it becomes funny, because it attempts to create some bizarre horror show and makes the sister seem like this creepy delusional stalker. No, the problem with this show is just about everything else. It tries to take itself so seriously, with really cheesy romantic music, and yet every characters acts incredibly stupid. This series is an incredibly forced harem, and this episode was filled with the most boring dialogue that according to the hints in the OP and ED only seem to want to lead to getting the female in this show naked. Also, this has the single worst use of a truck I have ever seen. Seriously, it comes speeding right out of bloody nowhere, hits the lead female full frontal without even any signs of slowing down, completely disappears again… and she stands up like nothing happened. GIRL, YOU WERE HIT BY A SPEEDING TRUCK! YOU SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO STAND LIKE THAT!
OP: Cheesy harem OP = blegh
ED: Okay… if there was any doubt on where the mind of the creators resides… this one cleared that up once and for good…
Potential: 0%

6 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Joshiraku and Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!

  1. It’s not often that a show can induce a severe migraine in its first five minutes, but this one did. Of course this used to happen once a year and now it happens twice a season… I can head towards the light now, yes?

  2. Heh, your short synopsises(?) are still the best. Not many new shows so far that pique my interest.

  3. Lets be honest, if Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru actually turned out to be good we would die of shock. Some series you just have to read the synopsis to figure out if they will suck. Not all series of course. Some series.

    1. I enjoy harem and moe and this imouto show repels me even from the synopsis, not even the type of one I’d watch and thats really saying something.

  4. Yeah, that same truck hit Excel Excel, the Master of Dying. and she took a good 3 seconds to compose herself. (With the help of the Great Macrocosm) No way some rookie could do better.

  5. I’m impressed with Joshiraku, I didn’t expect it to be funny (especially after Binbougami wasn’t). It’s a big bonus that, as a foreigner, some of the jokes are hard for me to get and getting them feels like an accomplishment.

    The thing with the dog kanji – they used that exact trick in Detective Conan to kill someone one episode (the murderer put cyanide on the edge of the dictionary so it wouldn’t be found). The ‘hey, I knew about this’ feeling was awesome.

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