Some Quick First Impressions: High Score

High Score

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is a very bratty high school girl.
I’m getting very tired of having to review these utterly horrid flash shows that pop up more and more often. Is there really a market for these things? I mean, if they were good and all I’d still understand it, but this was the umpteenth flash show with terrible jokes. This time it’s about this incredibly bratty high school girl who abuses everyone around her. And it basically is nothing other than hi-jinks around how she abuses everyone but her boyfriend. While it’s good to actually see a couple here, the jokes all are just terrible moe jokes. At the very least things move around more than your average flash show, but that’s not really a compliment either due to how low the standards in this genre are. I remember the first attempt at a flash series: Hanoka. There the creators actually tried to make an action show based on Flash’s very limited animation. That was good! That was ambitious. This is just nothing.
OP: That table fly was probably the most noteworthy of this thing.
ED: Even those clay figures look better than the rest of the graphics of this show…
Potential: 0%

5 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: High Score

  1. Ugh, I watched the first episode and it was atrocious. Besides the bad animation, I felt like the jokes fell very very flat. And who enjoys watching a girl being a total bully. Well, that’s one crappy show out of the way! What’s next XD

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