Some quick first impressions: Golgo 13, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki and Nijuu Mensou no Musume

Golgo 13

Well, this turned out better than expected, but that may also be because I expected nothing from this series anyway. Golgo may have a laughable name, but it does have a certain style. The soundtrack is effective, though I feel that the manga-chapters don’t really fit the 24-episode formats. In this episode, the only thing that Golgo does is that he comes, he shoots, and then he leaves again. The creators clearly struggle with filling up the remaining 23 minutes of this episode so they just show a random sex-scene. I hope that the future assignments for the guy are a bit more challenging to overcome; otherwise it’d make a pretty boring series. Still, this series has no real flaws so far, apart from the fact that Golgo’s character-design makes it looks like he’s suffering from a bad case of constipation.

Kyouran Kazoku Nikki

Boy… the shounen-comedies sure are dull this season. I’m sick and tired of females that rely just on their energy and moe-ness to deliver comedy. Really, a series needs more than that to be funny, and still there are heaps of series that don’t seem to understand this. Kyouran Kazoku Nikki at least tries to add this extra substance though its side-characters and I guess that they do have potential, but really, how many times haven’t we seen male lead X being beaten up and abused by the female lead? Is it really that hard to come up with something original?

Nijuu Mensou no Musume

Ah, too bad. I had high hopes for this series, being animated by Bones and all, but in the end this one turned into a big mess. This series has nice action and screenplay and all, but it’s mercilessly shatters your suspense of disbelief within the first minute of this episode. This is indeed the problem with thief-series: they’re portrayed in a way too elegant manner. When you steal something, you’re supposed to be hiding in the shadows, making use of the flaws in security, not just use a zeppelin to lift the roof of a building. Again it’s just one character who ruins the entire series. I mean, Chico was nice to watch, the henchmen were very interesting, but that thief… I still can’t believe that the creators were serious with that guy.

14 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Golgo 13, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki and Nijuu Mensou no Musume

  1. I was hoping that Kyouran Kazoku Nikki and Nijuu Mensou no Musume would be good, because I also have high hopes for them. But after reading your entry… x_x

    I’ll just have to wait for subs and find out myself.

  2. If you seriously deny originality to Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, I can’t help you 🙂 … sorry. I couldn’t disagree more.

  3. I admit that Kyouran Kazoku Nikki has some originality in the fact that it’s about a family with a cyborg, lion and jellyfish. My main problem with it is that female lead, who just feels really uninspired to me.

  4. Golgo 13 is a japanese James Bond. Well, speaking of Nijuu Mensou, I was expecting something like that because iof i remember right, that thief was famous for stealing in front of all and escape without problems. So, a zeppelin don’t sounds weird.

  5. Golgo 13 looks ok i might watch it in the future if someone decides to sub it since i have not seen any decent action anime lately and i also hope that Nijuu Mensou no Musume will be better in the future since i was kinda interested in it but at least Bones got one good show this season:Soul eater

  6. I thought Nijuu Mensou no Musume’s was an excellent first episode. It raised this show into my early favorites of the season, along with Kurenai, Macross, and Vampire Knight. Too bad you can’t suspend disbelief for such a great character as the Thief. To me, the whole fantasy set-up worked like a dream. I thought the voice acting was very good, particularly from Uchida Yuya as the Thief and Hirano Aya as Chiko. And I loved both the OP and the ED.

  7. My main problem with the thief is that he rides in a zeppelin. First of all, this isn’t the fastest aircraft, and second of all, he often uses it as an illusion-trick to leap away in the sky. My question is why nobody thought it was a good idea to issue helicopters or some other flying object to catch the guy. Especially if he keeps on sending out notes of his next targets.

  8. I had a terrible headache due to Kyouran. Kyoka is just way too energetic for my liking, and she tends to border on the annoying rather than cute side. Barring a total collapse, I doubt that she will change. With the pace this way, I am too old for this heart attack inducing series. Heh.

    Golgo 13 seems cool, but too GAR for me.

  9. I’d say if you’re interested about Kyouran, just go for it. I thought it was good.

    Yeah, it has all the stereotypes and all, but is that something you’d seriously have to consider in comedies like this? Potemayo-caliber shows are pretty rare as I see it. I think Kyouran has more going for it than say, Kanokon or ToLoveRu in comedic convention.

  10. Golgo 13 is scheduled for 50 episodes…and the first episode really rocked as in the snipe shot that he took was almost impossible..
    Nijuu Mensou no Musumewas pretty good-lets see how this develops-well the thief is called Phantom thief precisely because he can elude all capture by his methods..even I was surprised as to how he pulled it off but considering his forte it was acceptable..

  11. quote: Really, a series needs more than that to be funny, and still there are heaps of series that don’t seem to understand this.

    finally a like-minded….T_T

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