ef – a tale of memories
The characters are a major flaw in this series: they all belong in random harems and every one of them has a personality that’s been done to death by now: Wimpy male, cold male, optimistic male, fragile female, clumsy and impulsive female, annoying sister female and of course the tsundere-female. Thankfully, the story and especially storytelling make up for this. The director clearly borrows influences from Shinbo (Soultaker, Pani Poni Dash, Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei), there are actually multiple couples, and this series has got an excellent narrative structure, probably because Makoto Shinkai had some influence in this series. The different people may have fallen in love a bit too easily, though if you ignore this, the dialogue was pretty nice and works pretty nicely with the Shinbo-influences. While the characters are most definitely clichéd, the storyline isn’t. I’m just a bit disappointed that the excellent music you can hear on the main website didn’t come back in this episode.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
This series probably got the most hate-reactions prior to its release, due to it being part of Sunrise’s plot of milking out franchises. While I admit that milking out the Mai Hime-franchise was a really bad idea, I don’t have the same opinion of Gundam yet, but that may be because the only Gundam-series I’ve seen so far is Gundam Wing. In any case, the first episode was pretty decent. I like the background music, and the story is full of potential. Still, this series made one classic mistake: placing teenagers in the centre of adult struggles. While it’s not as extreme as in other series, it can form a potential hazard for this series. It’s generally lacking in realism in more areas than this: the weightlessness was a nice idea, but if humans stay in weightless space for too long, their bones and bodies will suffer from the lack of pressure. I wish some explanation went to that area. Also, I expected the animation-department to have gotten a rather big budget, but yet all the important characters in their series can be recognized because their hairstyles stand apart when compared to the random generics. Ah well, what this series needs to focus on is not to fall down the same path of Code Geass, which was way too much aimed at fanboys and fangirls in my opinion.
Kimikiss Pure Rouge
I expected nothing of this series with such a title and premise. And fair enough, the very first scene starts with the umpth transfer-student of the season. Imagine my surprise when I actually ended up chuckling as the episode went on, even though it was for the wrong reasons. The plot-twists are so obvious that they become laughable: subtlety is so not this series’s strongest point, but at least it’s not the bore-fest I expected it to be. I wonder how long it will remain funny though, and I’ll probably end up dropping this when I need to lose a few series, simply because the amount of high-school series this season is huge enough already, and I’ve seen so many better series in this season. The character-designs also have a few issues here and there: they look well enough for a hentai-game adaptation, though the eyes of the characters are a bit too far apart. It makes the characters of this series look rather dumb (just take a look at the screenshot).]]>
What a shame about ef tales as KimiKiss, I was looking forward to both and it seems like they won’t be living up to what I expected, oh well, gives me more room to finish all those old J-Dramas I need to finish!
The OP sequences of Gundam 00 is very good. Some fans are complaining about 00’s lack of likeness to SEED and Desinty but I’m glad that it was nothing like SEED.
I think ef wins for Best Animation of the Fall Season so far. I’ve got to hand it to SHAFT for the beautiful and stylish animation. I was really surprised at ef though, I thought it was another harem. I usually don’t watch this type of show but I think I’m going to keep this series.
I don’t think kimikiss had any protential in the first place either.
Wheres all the escapism fun when all shows try to be realistic? Lets leave a little for the imagination shall we?
Ivy: With realism, I didn’t necessarily mean lack of fantasy, but the added believability. I like series which are as believable as possible.
I had been considering Kimikiss for the art, but when I watched the show, it seemed off. Thank you for pointing out what was wrong!
the boy in that screen shot from kimikiss looks like a lizard man
The chars in the KimiKiss screenshots remind me of the eyes of characters from MegaTokyo in a way, only fanart of them executed poorly.
*reads MegaTokyo in short bits occasionally*
Just came in to state one thing:
Kimikiss is not a H-game. Nor will it ever be released as one with all the big seiyuus taking up the cast roles.
I won’t scream “OMG GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!”, but it’s good to take note of these things as a blogger.
That’s all!