Some quick first impressions: Black Blood Brothers, Sci-Fi Harry and _Summer

And the fall season has started. So far, it’s promising to be a load of garbage with a few good shows. I SO hope that the coming month will prove me wrong, though the current batch hasn’t really managed to change my opinion.

Black Blood Brothers

It’s got hate, it’s got angst, it’s got despair, but it’s also got a main character with absolutely no sense of fashion and an annoying little brat who is annoying for the sake of being annoying. The anime also plays in a world in which hundreds of bullets can be stopped by a single swing of a sword. Not really that realistic. Even though the angst was nice to see, I decided to drop this show. The decisive reason for this happened at the end of the first episode. We first see our main character on a ship, moving things (including the annoying brat) with just the power of his mind. Then, the brat falls into the water, and suddenly his power stopped working, and he actually jumped after him, sustaining significant damage as the water seems to dissolve him. Why couldn’t he just zap the brat back to the ship?

Sci-Fi Harry

Yeah, I know. This series aired in 2000. But as this section is called “some quick first impressions”, and not “newly aired anime”, I might slip in an old one once in a while. And this one was just a tad too good to ignore. The anime plays around Harry. He’s been alienated from society, and he’s an extremely shy boy. Then, it seems that he’s a psychic who can’t fully control his powers. People are now obviously after his powers, and the few people who did spend time with him then will probably get entangled in this. The series immediately starts out very intense. And by the third episode Harry already killed about fifty people at once. Overall, it’s a very good, but the series does have its own annoying moments. The main female character’s feelings towards Harry are nothing short of obnoxious, and a lot of scenes show some facial expressions which just don’t work. It does give something unique to this anime, though the fact that looking at these characters’ faces is annoying.

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Okay, things can’t be good when this anime immediately starts with a perverted onsen-peeking-scene. And indeed. This anime has one of the most WORST. SETTINGS. EVER. A male who’s been copied and pasted right from any other random harem is surrounded by a huge load of “beautiful” girls. Of course, each of these girls absolutely loves our main character and they all perfectly fit the stereotypes. The anime is about a very difficult choice: which girl does the main character want to spend the rest of his life with. Seriously, I hope that this isn’t some kind of sign, regarding the overall quality of the rest of the season. Anyway, thankfully some small details prevented this anime from becoming a total disaster. There were some funny moments (the teacher and the evil girl were rather funny) and also, at times whenever we see characters talk, you can see rather random things go on in the background. I do admit that it was a nice touch. Still, I’m not really recommending this to anyone. (Oh yes, and in case you were wondering, I watched this one raw. You need to wait a bit before the subs appear, but you’re better off forgetting about this series)

0 thoughts on “Some quick first impressions: Black Blood Brothers, Sci-Fi Harry and _Summer

  1. Hmm, for some reason I skipped the raw about _Summer subconsciously without even reading the name of torrent, I guess I didn’t miss anything…

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