Some Quick First Impressions: Appleseed XIII

Appleseed XIII

Short Synopsis: Our lead character is an elite mecha pilot.
Whoa early! I thought that Appleseed was only set to appear for another ten days. I guess that this is a preview episode or something? In any case: yeah, this was already better than the two movies. It’s not like it already is deeper than the best parts of the 2004 movie, but this episode focused more on the relationship between Deunan and Buriarios than the two movies combined. That’s the kind of stuff you need this early in the story. Having said that, though: this episode was very sappy. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if Deunan was on her period for the first half of this episode. In terms of the graphics: the faces look as weird as most other 3D series: it’s the botox-faces syndrome, but at least they’re moved nicely. Apart from that though, this episode looked excellent. It’s especially good at lighting and those kinds of effects, and the insertion of the symbolic images to the Greek Mythology were also a nice touch.
OP: Nice idea with great designs.
ED: Really short, but I like how they even stuffed symbolism here.
Potential: 80%

10 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Appleseed XIII

  1. I’m excited to see a response to this this early in the season before the actual show airs. I’ve been on the fence about this for a while now since I watched the first movie and loved the graphics and characters, but felt the plot lacking.

  2. Sadly i have to disagree .. the movies handled the whole Deunan X Buriarios relation way better .. specially the 2nd movie (spoilers: since there is actually a Buriarios clone that appears in it).

    Not to mention .. the grahpics (specially the characters) are suffering a gigantic drop in terms of designs (omg .. what have they done to your face and hair Deunan !!!) and overall quality (characters seem made out of brightly colored plastic in many scenes unlike the movies).. they feel so amateurish in many shots … also … Deunan never acted like this .. they turned her into an air-headed bratty teenager .. yeah she did act tomboyish sometimes in the movies .. but they completely destroyed her character here (at least Buriarios character and design are intact) .. the mecha designs are still good too.

    I have to say i’m extremely disappointed at this adaption … i’d probably go watch the movies again to forget what i just saw XD

  3. I AGREE COMPLETELY with Hunter-Wolf. I am so f*king DISAPPOINTED with this adaptation. No words can describe how disappointed i am.

    I don’t really mind the graphics and cg or Deunan’s looks, i understand they want her to look more like the Deunan in the original manga. But i am so disappointed with how they turned Deunan’s character and personality to be so annoying and unlikable. She seems just like a bratty kid who needs a scolding all the time. Not only that she’s unreliable, it seems that she can’t make lots of decisions on her own and constantly needs help and protection from Briareos. She’s unlike the Deunan in the movies at all. I’ve also watched the 1980’s Appleseed OVA and even the Deunan in that OVA was very firm, reliable, and likable.

    And i just don’t see any chemistry between Deunan and Briareos. And what’s with the over MELODRAMATIC narrations and flashbacks? The series is very slow-pace, over melodramatic, uninteresting. Won’t watch another episode of this.

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