Simoun – 25 – One More To Go!

Ooh, that was so exciting. After seeing this episode, it seems that the creators are planning to go all out for the final episode, while they used the last couple of episodes as preparations. I still have no idea what’s going to happen. Okay, Aaeru and Neviriru will be performing the Emerald Ri Maajon. But what will happen afterwards? Will they meet with Limone and Dominüra or Amuria? And what may have happened with Mamiina’s corpse which was blown out of the air a couple of episodes ago?

In any case, final episodes are always tricky to perform the right way. Many anime have trouble with this, and only a handful managed to do it in the end. I’m hoping that Simoun will be one of those. In any case, it won’t be one of those rushed endings, as it’s had enough time to prepare. Let’s hope that it’ll be able to deliver.

Anyway, about the episode. We start where we left off after the previous episode: Paraietta, Furoe, Aruti, Kaimu, Vyüra, Morinasu and Rödoreamon entering the spring. This is surprisingly painful for Yun, as we see her in agony once the ritual starts. (On a side-note: the background tune they used for this worked perfectly). The results are quite interesting.

Kaimu: Female
Vyüra: Male
Furoe: Male
Paraietta: Female
Aruti: Female
Rödoreamon: Female
Morinasu: Female

Especially Morinasu, Furoe and Paraietta are surprising. Both Furoe and Morinasu were seen, claiming to become the opposite of what they actually became. I think love had a lot to do with this. And Paraietta so seemed the type to become male. Everyone just assumed that she’d choose this. It’s also interesting if you realize that they aren’t priestesses any more. Especially when they saw a little kid, coming up to them and praying in front of them, just like nothing happened.

The second part of the episode basically features getting Aaeru and Neviriru in a Simoun. For some reason, the Plumbum officials are insisting that they go to the spring as soon as possible. In the end, with a bit of help from everyone, they manage to do this. Aaeru and Neviriru say goodbye and the episode ends.

0 thoughts on “Simoun – 25 – One More To Go!

  1. You completely missed the point if you thought Paraietta was really going to become male. She never wanted to truly become a man in the first place; the only reason she decided to was because she thought that was the only way she could be strong and protect Neviril (she even said so when showering with Kaimu). By choosing to be female in the end, she no longer felt her own worth/identity was attached to taking care of Neviril; she found her own independence.

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