Shinryaku! Ika-Musume Review – 82,5/100

This season was actually quit ea good one for comedies. Eight series really made me laugh over and over, in completely different ways: we have a parody, a series that uses cute humour, one that uses sex and violence jokes, two that depend on the chemistry between eccentric characters and a dialogue heavy one. Squid Girl’s style of humour is entirely focused on its characterization.

The set-up is as follows: we have a Squid turned into a girl who thinks that she’s going to take over the world, who ends up working at a beach cafe. Each episode is divided into three segments, all focusing on a different scenario. Throughout the series, Squid Girl runs into a bunch of nutcases, who all react differently to her and her strange powers.

The show has a fairly large cast of characters, and granted, some of them aren’t as good as the others. The scientists in particular are a downright insult, and the obsessive Sanae is used too much throughout the series and therefore gets repetitive. Yet, The good ones however, more than make up for it. In particular, Squid Girl herself is an absolutely adorable character; her characterization is just fantastic, her antics are always fresh and hilarious. Her unconventional way of looking at the world is more than enough material to fill twelve episodes. Eiko also proved to be a wonderful straight man for her antics.

The result is a series that made me laugh many times. Out of all the comedies this season, it didn’t make me laugh the hardest, but it did make me laugh the most. There are a few segments that don’t work, but they are overshadowed by the good parts, unlike for example Mitsudomoe last season, which did get caught up with its own repetition. And yeah, you can say that it’s a very unambitious series: it’s just there to provide laughs, nothing more. But the thing is, that for a show to make me laugh so consistently with such a well characterized main character… it’s really something that deserves to be watched if you’re in for some light-hearted fun.

Storytelling: 8/10 – Builds up its jokes neatly, and knows how to deliver them.
Characters: 9/10 – Squid Girl is adorable beyond words. There are some bad characters, but they’re overshadowed by the good ones. Just don’t expect character development here.
Production-Values: 8/10 – Very good in the first few episodes, but dulls in after that.
Setting: 8/10 – Down to earth setting despite the silliness, and for a squid girl she has many interesting talents.

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class
Sexy Commando Gaiden

9 thoughts on “Shinryaku! Ika-Musume Review – 82,5/100

  1. 82,5/100

    Wow. Its like i havent seen this number ever before. Its not like you grade every single anime on the planet with exactly the same score.

  2. err,

    a parody = TWGOK
    a series that uses cute humour = soredemo machi one that uses sex and violence jokes = P&S
    two that depend on the chemistry between eccentric characters = Kuragehime.. and MM?
    a dialogue heavy one = Arakawa….? characterization = Ika Musume

    there’s one more…?

    anyway I agree,this is really the year of comedy there’s Oreimo,Working & maid sama (at least,for me),Mitsudomoe,Hanamaru,B Gata,Yojou han,Sunred,Angel Beats, n’ Gag Manga Biyori..

  3. many funny scenes

    the baseball eps,the guitar eps,the exam scene who make me laugh to death (?)

    yeah its a mixture of everything,but i found it’s funny,and it has a comedy director,so…

  4. This was my favorite of the season. Definitely light hearted fun. I’m not sure I laughed all that much but the damn thing was just so cute and feel-good in a more-than-moe sense. The only show I’m truly sad to see end so far this season. I hope there’s more to come! 🙂

  5. I’m depressed now that i know this awesome anime ended. I want moar!!!, this anime truly deserve to have a second season while they manage to mantain the same style of this show.

    This probably is the best anime of this year.

  6. And thus the curtain falls on another great anime show of the fall season. To me, Ika-musume was successful as a good comedy series that provided many laughs and feel good moments, and was one of the shows I looked forward to each week. The following weeks will feel emptier without more doses of Ika-musume’s cute and hilarious antics.

    Although I agreed with psgels views on the rather disappointing execution of the last 2 mini-episodes, but I’m glad that it points to a possible 2nd season with more crazy antics by our lovable squid girl 🙂

  7. I said it elsewhere and will remark it here: This serie was great cause, for one, it made clear how you can do pretty good comedy without the need of stripping girls naked the same as it’s nowadays fashon.

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