Rinne no Lagrange – 24

Well, there you have it. It’s a surprisingly fitting ending for this series. A bit silly, but I like how it went against conventions.

In a normal episode, this episode would be all like “you think you have beaten me, but I have yet to reveal my FINAL FORM!”. Instead, things looked scary for a while, but most of the action in this episode was the Rinne settling down. It fits this show well: there was no way in which an action-packed finale was going to work for this show. It’s not an action series at all. Instead it’s about its characters and happens to have some action in it.

Instead this episode ended up glorifying the jersey club, making it the most powerufl entity in the entire universe. Oh, and the two planets colliding… they don’t. It’s plausible, but also one heck of an anti-climax. It’s definitely a very strange ending, but also quite a charming and daring one. The atmosphere definitely worked, and this episode took its time wrapping everything up. Though did we learn why Moid disappeared in the end?

Still, I do feel that the final quarter of Rinne no Lagrange was its weakest, simply because it didn’t really have much to do, so it just drove Dizelmine Berserk. It lead to this nice ending, but I do feel that the creators could have used it better, or if they were going for this ending they should have built it up better. Because my main impression with the second season was that it didn’t seem to know that this was going to be the ending. Still, it was definitely fun to watch.
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

3 thoughts on “Rinne no Lagrange – 24

  1. “Though did we learn why Moid disappeared in the end?”

    He died of SPD.
    …ok I kid. Maybe he died because Madoka and other others purified the Rinne? But then what connection did he have to the Rinne? And if he disappeared then why didn’t the director disappear also? Wait…why where him and the director immortal in the first place? And is the Rinne a spiritual place or and physical place as I thought Yurikano was supposed to be dead? And if she was actually alive all this time then how did she survive years without food and water in the Rinne? And not age while she was at it? How come Dizelmine became younger? What the hell is the Rinne and why does it have powers over space and time and is able to move planets without dire environmental consequences? And…wait…do I even care?

    1. His quote before his dispersal is exactly how I feel about this entire series “WHAT WAS ALL THAT EVEN ABOUT! oh well, I’ll eat my dessert”

      Everyone get their own harem. Why the hell did they de-age Dizelmine what age clearly has done more damage to Kotetsu, I mean Villagulio

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